Chapter 1: it all started with realizing this about myself (you can do the same)

Published: Tue, 09/18/18


Barb Ling here and did you know that I was the number 2 affiliate for WarriorPlus last year?

Only 1 person was ahead of me.....

... and 100s were after me!

Many folks asked how I managed to do that.

One of the ways that really helped was realizing that while it's an honor for me to have people on my list....

... it's ALSO an honor for folks to BE on my list!

You'll hardly hear any other marketer mention that but it's *true*.

I am never afraid to mail my list, because I know the value I deliver is topnotch as well.

That kind of self-confidence....

... it allows you to break past bunches of mental barriers!


In a few days, another 8 figure marketer is going to share some of his techniques....

... that are copy and pastable for you too!

Best of all....

==> It's a zero cost webbie!  You can Register HERE:

And get ready to hold onto your socks, because you're going to *adore* the value you receive.

Stay tuned as well for Chapter 2 - methinks you're going to relate quite a lot.


Grow strong,

Barb "More commissions!" Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps -  Seats limited....