Spring sale: LIFETIME PLR (access 8,201+ products PLUS more than fifty percent off

Published: Sat, 02/18/17

Hey there, Barb Ling here and I see there is a nifty lifetime coupon!


==> IDPLR.com (LIFETIME savings available!)

Your Benefits: Since 2008... one of the *biggest* PLR Providers around (with a LIFETIME coupon!)


Brief, pithy and to the point:

So there I was, looking around for PLR goodies to offer as upsells to a freebie I'm making....

... and I realized there's a LIFETIME option now at:

==> 4,604 ebooks, 844+ Software, 871+ Videos....

Here's how you grab 'em.

Click on this link:

==> This link right here!

Take your time to look around if you'd like under the GOLD members thingee...

then click on the Register button at the top.

Sign up as a GOLD LIFETIME member - it's more than 50% off!

But that's not all you get....

You'll also receive:

* Access to ALL 7630 8,280+ ebooks, software, videos, graphics, articles and more products with resell, master resell & private label rights! (both free and gold)

* Access to their eCover software! Click here to see demo

* Access to all Training Tutorials

* Access to Live Preview

* Web hosting with 5GB of space and unlimited traffic!

* New products added almost every day!

==> Catch that eCover Software that is included?

* Members "Product Request" (If you find any resale or PLR product which is not listed on their site, just let them know. If the license terms allow us, they will purchase it and list that product for free.)

* Members "Product Creation" (Submit your own ideas for private label rights products you want to see created every month. Your ideas will be placed in queue on their product creation schedule. You will get the product once it is complete as part of the regular membership.)

* First Class Support (Gold members have access to their priority first-class support where they will answer your questions in a record breaking time.)

* No download limit per day (Gold members don't have any download restrictions.)

* 60-Day Money Back Guarantee!

==> Catch that guarantee?

Sounds good? Indeed it is - you can claim quality PLR as your own, brand it as your own, sell it as your own....

... and keep 100% of the profits as well!


Grow strong,

Barb "More buy buttons" Ling

ps - Ending soon... http://askbling.com/idplr