Marketing secrets to help you make 2019 your best year yet?

Published: Mon, 12/10/18


Barb Ling here and I heard the latest From Dennis Becker....

... and wow, it's  a doozy indeed!

Here, read this from him:

"...Several years ago Wilson Mattos and Jason Fladlien started a group coaching site that was revolutionary.
It was named 6 in 6 Coaching, and the sales hook was that in 6 months you would learn the skills necessary to earn an income of 6 figures annually.
Members would receive access to 2 live webinars per month, as well as access to 2 additional recorded webinars from the archives.
And after 6 months, all the archived sessions would become available, no matter how many had accumulated.
Also, one of the 6's also stood for the fact that members would pay for just 6 months, and then all future webinar episodes will be at no charge.
A very cool business model, and very popular. Thousands joined.
When Jason and Wil (Rapid Crush) closed the site not long ago, there were a total of over 130 webinars in the archives.
It was a treasure trove of marketing wisdom.
The bad news is that you can no longer join 6 in 6 Coaching, at any price...
... but the good news is that...
I've acquired a license to provide you with access to the best of the content.
When active, members paid a total of $582 (6 months times $97/month).
And they had to wait to access most of the archived webinars.
And I've spent 100's of hours going through each session, preparing detailed notes (not boring transcripts, but actual notes like you would if you took those 100's of hours to watch each webinar).
So... you could speed read to learn the key points of webinars you're not so sure you want to spend the 1-3 hours to watch, and if the notes convince you to,
then you can spend that time.
The original members didn't get access to the notes unless they purchased them separately. I sold those notes alone for $97.
Today, for the first time, I can offer you access to the best of 6 in 6 Coaching.
Not just the notes, but also the webinars themselves!
I've filtered out the best 79 webinars from the original 130+.
And you can access those 79 instantly after you sign up.

 You won't find this anywhere else, at any price.
I might be biased, but I do believe that just the notes alone would be worth the price you'll pay, but you get access to the webinars and all associated materials along with the notes.
The 80 sessions that I selected are all evergreen, and all listed on the sales page.
The presentations were given by Jason, Wil, and a wide array of IM experts, some of whom you've probably heard of, some of whom you haven't yet.
A true treasuer trove, waiting for you:
Check it out.... and see exactly what's waiting for you for 2019.   You'll be happy you did!
Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
P.S. The price you see today is an introductory
discount, the actual price will soon be $197,
and well worth it, I guarantee.