[ FIVERR ] The developer's license lets you use this to:

Published: Wed, 01/28/15

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| oOo ==>  Associate Press All in One Niche Site Builder
| Benefits You Get:  All In One WP Plugin that allows
| you to build custom niche Azon stores - gig
| that on Fiverr!

Brief, pithy and
to the point:

Looking for a main or upsell gig you
can offer on Fiverr?

How about instantly building 
targeted niche Azon sites
for your clients (think of how you
could add that to a slew of gig

If so:

| oOo ==>  Then you're looking for this!

It's taken the best features of
popular plugins like

WP Robot

WP Zon Builder

and combined them into some
that is an all in one Amazon
affiliate dream!

| oOo ==>  Includes content curation and.....

Easy niche site creation


Automatic RSS submissions (!)

Not only that...

| oOo ==>  One upsell is the developers license....

Makes for great gig ideas!

And because this is a solo
offer, buy thru my link and
immediately receive

Quick Traffic Class

Insights about generating
quick converting traffic!

Sounds good?  I think so -
lots of people love profiting from quick
niche Amazon stores... and
this makes it simple.


Grow strong,
Barbara "Make Life Simple" Ling 
ps -  Bonuses too!

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