oOo WP Legal Pages created automatically (in your theme, with drag and drop, and:

Published: Mon, 04/24/17


Barb Ling here and did you miss this?


==>  WP Legal Suite

Your Benefits:  with just 1 click you can create all the required legal pages that 99% of marketers need!!


Brief, pithy and to the point...

All sites should have legal pages....

Want them created for you in one click?

Well then!

==>  It even displays EU cookie compliance, FTC Disclaimer, more!

In a nutshell, you get:

==>  See for yourself here!

Told you it was brief.  :)

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

WP Power

My own collection of WP training for max profits!

Sounds good?    I think so - legal pages dont have to be all difficult at all... and this makes it one click simple. 


Grow strong,

Barbara "Become the Consultant of Choice!" Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps: Unlimited site license available!