AMAZON Software: Would you sacrifice 5 minutes to get paid forever?

Published: Thu, 09/21/17

Barb Ling here and oh my shining coffeesups, this just went live!


==> InstaGenius (Amazon like you've never seen....

Fun Fact:  50% of US online Shoppers use the Amazon mobile app

Your Benefits:
   You get software that automatically follows up with visitors, alerts them to new sales/discounts and:


Brief, pithy and to the point...

Have you ever heard of people making life-changing income via Amazon?

It sounds a wee bit unbelievable, right?  After all, you might have been trying to seize success with Amazon already...

... or maybe you heard about how tons of *other* people create Azon stores and profit hand over earlobe....

If so, you're going to love this nifty goodie:

==> It also builds your list AND follows up automatically....

Here's how it woiks:
Setup only takes 5 minutes. Then you don’t do anything. You just get paid....

...Your email list is growing without you, giving you more customers to sell to...

Emails are getting sent without you, generating autopilot income.

When a price goes on sale - or the software finds a recommended product (based on their clever algorithms), a hyper-targeted email autoresponder sequence goes into action for you: 

- Closing the sale (they've already shown interest!)

- Upsells related products

- Does it all COMPLETELY handsfree

The plugin comes preloaded with customisable email sequences that automatically input the products they've shown interest in - when it goes on sale, taking advantage of time-limited sales and cross selling like never before. 

==> But that's not all...

And the enhancements?

A PRO Version...

The InstaNiche Done For You Bundle....

...Annual Covert Commissions plan - with 20 BONUS marketplace credits - that can be used to unlock done for you managed campaigns & 2 each month for 1 year!  <== YES!

==> Start your journey here!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and receive my own:

Amazon Strategy Pack

My own collection of the BEST Azon tutorials out there to date!

Sounds good?  Indeed... this plugin allows you to tap into Amazon AND followups AND cross-sells like never before....

What's not to love?


Grow strong,

Barbara "More Sales!!!" Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps -  Want more info?

This handles all sorts of customers:


"Tire Kickers" 

Sometimes called window shoppers.  These guys LOVE to spend money, but only buy about 5-10% of the time.  

They spend their relaxation time browsing, imagining what it would be like to own something pretty and new - occassionally splurging on payday - and with InstaGenius you be the bargain saving hero - automatically lock in lifelong, loyal customers.

"Shopping Frenzy" 

These people are the ones who go to the grocery store for milk and come home with car ready to burst.

With Amazon this kind of buying is really easy to do, because they are the experts at recommending different offers and nobody is looking over your shoulder saying, 'Hey.. do you REALLY need that?" (The correct answer is always "yes, in red, black and turquoise")

"Bargain Evangelists

Evangelists are online shoppers who can't help but share their great deal with anyone who will listen.  

Yep, they got a deal better than their sister and will post all over Facebook.  It only takes 1 or 2 of these for your Amazon affiliate income to skyrocket - especially as YOU can be the one to help them find the perfect deal the second it goes live (over and over again!) 

==> That's just the start....


And it gives you:

Your Logo: Put your own logo there

Azon Regions: Connect multiple Amazon accounts 
to automatically offer a more tailored experience (optional)

Buyer Advice: Increased urgency & stickability

Azon Search: Searches happen in real time with
prices and details pulled from Amazon

90 Day Cookie: Clicking 'Add to Cart' takes 
user to Amazon add dropping your affiliate cookie

Suggestions: Displays most recent searches your visitors 
have done on your site, for easier niche targeting

Loads More: Pulls in even more Amazon products with your
affiliate ID for their targeted search term....

AND the "Add To Bargain Watch List!"

When the website visitor clicks on it one of two things will happen: 

If they are new to your site: A pop up with an email form asking for them to subscribe to free price alerts 
will show up.

When they add their email address it will create an account in your Wordpress site for future magic 
(will explain in a sec), but ALSO you can connect your own autoresponder account and have them 
automatically added to your mailing list too! 

Once They Are Subscribed Our Intelligent Plugin Goes To Work For You 




When the price drops at Amazon

Your commissions instantly start flooding in!

100% Automatically 

For an unlimited number of monitored products to an unlimited number of bargain hungry subscribers!

Giving them EXACTLY what they want, at a price they're excited to pay and offering extra suggestions too!

==> Start your journey here!