It's like mind-control.

Published: Wed, 06/05/13

Hope your week is treating you grand - it's
almost halfway over!  Here in NJ the massive
heatwave was finally broken and my kids 
can't wait -this weekend is the Anime
Convention where they get to dress up
as their favorite cosplayers, and I get an
entire hotel room to myself.    :)

But I'll tell you something - the way rabid fans
buy and buy and buy and buy and buy there...
it's insane.  The whole event is geared towards
making parents/attendees DEMAND to part with
their money (heck, even get mad when what
they crave to buy, is sold out!!)!

Imagine if your buyers viewed your products
the same way.

Do *you* want to know how to get customers to
view your products with the same made desire
to buy?

If so, take a deep breath and keep reading.  One
of the most highly regarded copywriters in our industry,
Colin Theriot, will be my guest tomorrow at
2pm EDT over at

2pm EST 6/6/13!  0 Zero cost webinar with 
>  Indisputable Copywriting Authority Colin Theriot

Now, Colin is one of my business coaches
(I paid him 5K) and I can testify the way the
man *thinks* - it makes you say, how on earth
did you *conceive* of those ideas?   Heh, matter
of fact, every 2-3 days or so I ask him in our
private chats, How do you DO that?  

It really blows me away (and you can see how
profitable it's been for me; Colin is the man who
came up with my Perking Up Profits branding
and more).

But don't take just my word for it... Colin also
was a  copywriter for Stompernet 'way back
when (which speaks volumes; that was one of
the most popular programs for marketing a
few years ago).

What I truly value about Colin's teachings, however,
is they're packed with actionable takeaways that
just plain make *sense*.   I guarantee you - what
you learn from Thursday's show will give you the
advantage you've been searching when making
sales copy - it makes people just *want* to buy.
And Colin is going to show this to you.   Tomorrow
> Imagine your products flying off the shelves
Colin will show you the mind psychology
he incorporates when crafting powerfully
converting sales letters (profitable stuff indeed!)
Pencil it in *now* -  I cannot say enough
good things about what you are going to learn.
> 2pm EST 6/6/13!  Be prepared to be wowed!
No matter what you're marketing - products,
videos, training, memberships.... *anything*....
the skills you'll gain in this call are invaluable indeed.
Good stuff indeed - I will look for you 
on the call.
Grow strong,
Barbara "Take Control!" Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable!
ps - the sheer amount of increased a tweaked
sales letter can give
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