Why I RECOMMEND this ==> [ WP ] Super Sharing Social Networking (bought it myself!)

Published: Tue, 04/09/13

| ==> Emotional Marketing Insanely Viral WP Plugin
| http://awpt.co/rLSaB?e=
| WHY:  Bought it myself and the new viral sharing it
|  offers...grand!  Highly recommended

Earlier today, I updated you about the new
LoveClaw social plugin that everyone and their
coffeecups are rhapsodizing in perfect harmony
But now, I can tell you - I've bought it myself,
installed it myself, and oooo it's sweet!
See for yourself!
Sinfully Effective Loveclaw Emotional Sharing WP Plugin 
As you'll see...it's extremely effective indeed!
And if you missed the earlier email, allow me
to refresh your memory!
By now, you've probably been hit by
every single marketer and their coffee cup's coffeecup
==> LoveClaw Emotional Marketing
I was busy recovering from The Amazing Incredible
GolfBall that sprouted on my ankle yesterday (but oh,
the warrior event was so grand!).   And now that I've
awakened from my nap, I see approximately 342 emails
about it.
It intrigued me.   So I looked it up.
The thing that immediately hit me was
the whole premise of the product - when you
engaged readers' emotions, you increase their
Read that once more.  "Engage EMOTIONS  ==> INCREASE
ACTIONS." And if the reader is on your site AT THAT
MOMENT...the call to action button simply compels
said user to share the content.
Well, one of the best ways to engage is
to visually *show* the emotions the reader is feeling.
For example, instead of "Like this", use:
I Want One!
This Is Perfect!
Great Value!
==> Let the user TRULY say their feelings
To wit:
  • When a user visits your content, they'll click whichever one of your customized, emotionally charged LoveClaw buttons that most accurately fits with how they feel...

  • LoveClaw also encourages and empowers users with a strong call-to-action to share their reactions on Facebook with their friends as the next natural step by resonating with their emotions, unlike traditional share buttons...

  • This means they will share your content more often - This is something mainstream buttons still aren't able to offer...
Makes sense to me!
So if powering up your social engagement
with emotionally powerful custom-tailored buttons intrigues you:
==> Have your content shared MORE
And because this is a solo offer, buy thru
my link, send me your receipt and I'll send you
my own favorite site online that determines
how 'emotional' your blog post, sales copy/etc.
headline might be (yes I know other people are
giving bazillions of bonuses you'll probably
never use after downloading - this is a one
click, use NOW resource).
Sounds grand?
I think so - emotional marketing will ALWAYS
work towards your benefit...and this goodie
simply makes it that much easier.
Grow strong,
Barbara "LOVE IT!" Ling

I Make Marketing Profitable

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