The rider who beat me...

Published: Tue, 05/01/12

Dear ,
Which is more important in cycling, "Riding Classy or Winning?"
This is the rider I was battling with for 3rd at Singlespeed-A-Palooza...

"Hey Graeme, I had the pleasure of racing with you at SSAP.  We battled
for a while for 3rd place.  Any how, I just want to say I love your videos
and you're a great guy to race with and against."--Jose H.
I got this surprise note in my FACEBOOK inbox and is a direct reflection
of what I was telling you about in my RACE REPORT yesterday...
"CLASS and UNITY" are more important than placement or winning.
Jose is a great example of that, as was every rider I met there at SSAP that
day.  Makes me remember why I love riding so much.
Never forget WHY YOU RIDE, my friend.
--Graeme Street
P.S.  Although "classy" is top priority in riding, it doesn't hurt to
KICK A LITTLE ASS every now and then too, huh?
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