Don't squat until you do THIS!

Published: Thu, 01/19/17


What a week!

I just got a new desk in my
home office and cleared out
a ton of books from my
bookshelf I no longer need -
and I'm feeling so productive!

The Special Strength project is
done and I have the 2017 schedule
filling up fast!

I am really excited to show you
what's coming up!

Getting to last night's workout,
I want to make sure you don't
squat again without warming

We started warming up last night
at a commercial gym and I saw a
young man come in off the street,
set the bar up with plates, and start
his first set of squats at 135lbs.

Of course the technique was horrible
and the range of motion was limited
but what do you expect when you
didn't prepare your body

You NEED to specifically warm-up
for the exercises you will be doing in
the workout and if you don't, you're
just asking for injury

Trust me, I know. I've been in the
gym over 30 years!

Here is a simple 1-2 punch for
warming up
we used this week
before squats HERE - you can
see we're improving the range of
motion and opening up the hips! <----- check it out!

I want you to get stronger, build a
more confident mindset, and train
for a lifetime - that is my goal.

But that isn't going to happen if
you are always skipping the warm-up!

Make it a priority!

Have a great day !



PS. Only 3 Spots Remain!

Join us for the CPPS certification
next month in NJ!

The upcoming February CPPS
cert in NJ
is filling up fast, so
sign up today!


PPS. Best-Selling Athletic 
Development System

PPPS.  New Arm Workout


Title: ARMageddon

1A) Close-Grip Bench Press to Foam Roller
6 sets x 20 reps, no rest
1B) DB Tricep Extensions (on floor)
6 sets x 5 reps x 5 sec iso-hold at 90 deg x 4-5 rounds, no rest
1C) DB Crush-Grip Floor Press
6 sets x 20 reps, rest 120-180 sec

2A) Weighted Chins x 5 sets
5 sec iso-hold with chin above the bar
5 reps (with weight)
5 reps (bodyweight-only)
2B) Tate Press (on floor)
5 sets x 20 reps

Make sure you try out this workout
this week and hit me up in an email
with how it went!