Ready to give negative energy the boot? Let's clear your home AND body

Published: Wed, 05/25/16

How To Clear Negative Energy From a Home

Hi Team,

I was recently approached by the Huffington Post about how to clear negative energy from a home -- and am thrilled to share all of my insight in this super info packed article. 

When embarking on an energy cleansing journey, remember this major takeaway from Scher: “Whatever you may be struggling as far as old hurts, negative thinking patterns and stuck emotions, they must be dealt with to optimize your wellbeing and home environment.” 

Read the full article here​​​​​​​

 Energy Therapy Class:
Releasing Beliefs That Block Happiness

Exclusive sneak peek! I've gotten so many requests to bring back my low cost energy therapy classes (all done by phone!) ... sooooo, let's do it!

Each class will cover a different topic and Tuesday we're kicking off with:

Belief Busters: Releasing Beliefs That Block Our Happiness
Tuesday March 31st @ 5pm PST

These group phone classes allow you to experience energy clearings, learn powerful healing tools & techniques with me, all in 60 mins.

For all the details and a list of upcoming classes, go here.
 Amy Speaking in Northern California

​​​​​​​Are you in the California Bay area?

I'll be speaking at East West bookstore in Mountain View, CA on June 6th at 7:30 p.m. Free to all!

Mind-body-healing expert Amy B. Scher will teach you the one simple rule that helped her heal when nothing else worked, why the practice of self-healing is so effective, two easy techniques to calm emotions and balance the body, and why it’s essential to address the mind, body, and spirit for permanent and complete healing. 

For more on this event, go to East West's event page

Amy B. Scher

You rock, 

Amy B. Scher
Author & Energy Therapist