Go here NOW (it's LIVE)

Published: Tue, 04/23/13

We are live on our weekly hangout
Come see what happened in Chicago this past
weekend, and hear from our team how their
lives have been transformed and why we are in
the right place at the right time.
Join us here now...
Here's my email from earlier in case you
missed it...
Hey, Amy here...
How would you like to be able to say:

"Today was the greatest day of
my life."????

When was the last time you felt that way?

We just returned from an incredible event in
Chicago with over 5000 people.

At our private team breakout session on
Saturday night, our team members were
standing up one by one in the front of the
room sharing their breakthroughs.

We heard things like,

"I have 8 kids and 10 grandkids, and
TODAY was the best day of my life." ~ Craig

Want to know why our team members feel
this way?

(That's barely scratching the surface, by
the way. Wait til you hear what some others
had to say.)

Join us tonight at 9pm MST right here:


We will be sharing:

-What happened this weekend

-Where we are going

-Why now is the perfect time to completely
transform your life, and

-PROOF of the transformation that's already
happening among our team members.

Come hear from our team members LIVE

Things like:

"I'm so excited and focused and determined
and energized... I can't wait to help mom and
get us going on bettering our lives. This
weekend was awesome and all of you guys
havejust impacted my life so much already."
~ Danielle

And SO much more.

If you weren't with us in Chicago this weekend,
we missed you.

And it's not too late to be part of something

Because we're are just getting started.

See you tonight, Tuesday, April 23rd at 9pm
MST right here:


(if you get there early you can watch last week's
replay about the power of teamwork and learn
from one of the most solid teams in the industry...
ours.) :)

See you there,

Amy Starr Allen
Empower Network Founding Member
[email protected]
Skype: amystarrallen
(get started for just $25)

p.s. Why wait to start transforming your life
Once you join we will give you your own coded
link so you can invite your friends to the hear
this message tonight, too.

Trust me, you don't want to miss this. :)

Because the only guarantee we can make... 
... is that if you do nothing - NOTHING will change!
