{Article} Is Your Personality Making You Fat?

Published: Tue, 04/26/16

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Hi ,

I have to be alone very often. I'd be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That's how I refuel.
― Audrey Hepburn

In a series of scientific experiments, it was found that people would rather administer electric shocks to themselves than to be alone with their thoughts. I find this really sad. No wonder people feel so disconnected these days. You can't have a relationship with yourself if you can't be with yourself.

I know from listening to many of my clients, that people are often afraid to be alone because their thoughts are either obsessively negative and/or self-critical. This leads to a downward spiral in their mood, and then they use food to numb out the painful feelings.
Other people are simply afraid to be alone. In today’s world, you can always be connected to a device in one way or another, unfortunately, when unconnected or without company, some people don’t know what to do with themselves. They then turn to food, TV or both to numb out.

Personally, I’ve always loved my solitude. Solitude is nourishing, loneliness isn't. As an introvert, I treasure my aloneness, even more so as I get older. I enjoy people, but I need plenty of alone time to recharge my batteries, process my thoughts and feelings, and enjoy my hobbies (painting, writing, photography), which are all solitary. I'm happiest when alone and immersed in the joy of creativity.

People are always surprised when I tell them I’m an introvert. They believe the stereotype of the shy, quiet, nerdy introvert.  I'm an outgoing and very friendly introvert. The true definition of extroverts and introverts are that extroverts gain energy around others and introverts are energetically drained by other people. They may love being around others but they need solitude and downtime to recharge their batteries.

As an introvert, I love nothing more than being with one or two special people and having deep, thought provoking conversations. I can’t stand crowds, noisy environments, parties, and I’m not much of a group person unless I’m the one running it.


Unfortunately, the majority of people in the world are extroverts. Society’s fast pace favors the extroverts of the world. Introversion and extroversion both come with their own set of gifts, strengths, and weaknesses. One isn’t better than the other, they’re simply different. Each are needed in the world as they tend to play different roles.

Many of my clients are completely unaware that they too are introverts and that part of their eating issue is actually caused by their introversion. Introverts are highly sensitive and get overstimulated easily by their environments. They can become quite exhausted after a very stimulating day at work. This often results in having a dire need to numb out (often with food or alcohol) at the end of the day.

Many have overactive minds that refuse to shut off which leads to insomnia. Because of this, they often have trouble sleeping. Introverts take longer than their extroverted counterparts to refuel and regroup. They tend to have less energy as well.

Introverts are also more prone to depression and anxiety. Because of this, they may eat emotionally to self-soothe and medicate their feelings. 

I’ve had many introverted clients who love to do nothing more than hole up on the couch all week-end watching TV, movies or reading and eating while doing so. Many week-ends spent like this can seriously pack on the pounds.

When I was younger (early 20’s), I had no idea I was an introvert and I kept trying to work at jobs that were for extroverts and found myself exhausted and miserable. I couldn’t understand what in the heck was the matter with me, as all the extroverts around me were doing just fine!

I was the square peg desperately trying to fit into a round hole. Trying to be somebody I wasn’t was exhausting and unfulfilling. Once I figured out that I was a highly sensitive introvert, I was able to design work and a life that supported my introversion and strengths instead of worked against them.



One of my greatest strengths is that I’m an empath. As an empath, I can easily sense and feel the feelings of others. This is important in my line of work because it helps me to connect deeply with others and have compassion for my clients.

Being an empath also comes with its share of drawbacks. It’s very easy for empaths to become exhausted from taking on and carrying the negative emotions of others. It’s important for empaths to know how to release and clear negative emotions, so that they don’t become depressed or overwhelmed by too many emotions.

Many of my clients are in the helping professions and because of their empathic natures, they tend to become overwhelmed, overweight, stressed out, and eventually they burn out. Empaths tend to be givers and therefore must learn self-care, and how to set clear and firm boundaries.

This is why learning how to deal with and accept your true nature, knowing how to play to your strengths, and developing a self-care routine are so important. It really is a quality of life issue and by making some changes, you can actually stop living a life that drains the life out of you and start living one that supports you and actually feeds your spirit.

I take time out to enjoy my solitude and listen to my thoughts.

In my next article, we will explore the eating and health habits of extroverts.  

Are you ready to learn self-care and create a life that nurtures you?

Contact me. I offer a free consultation. 
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