Goodfinding Newsletter by Dr. William DeFoore

Published: Mon, 05/01/17

Goodfinding® Newsletter     William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.     May, 2017     Vol 11 Issue 5

Enjoy Life's Little Pleasures

The better you get at Goodfinding, the more you will develop the delight-filled skill of noticing and appreciating all of the little things that are around you all of the time. The big, spectacular pleasures and joys don't come along every day, so why not get ready for them by paying very good attention to what you might otherwise overlook or take for granted. This provides a strong positive bridge to the next big thing, and helps you to stay more consistently in that wonderful positive emotional state that literally makes everything better, inside and out.

Spread The Good!

You are part of a growing Goodfinding community, that not only includes the thousands of subscribers to this newsletter, but all of the positively focused folks all over the planet. I have created a Goodfinding Community Online web page, that provides eleven different ways for you to connect and participate in growing, expanding and spreading the good. No obligation, just opportunity to tell your happy stories, share your videos, suggest a quote, or just sit back and enjoy all of the many ways to stay aware and up to date on the fun, uplifting, encouraging things happening. Check it out here!



Quotes From Great Goodfinders

"​​Insist on delight as a virtue."
--Krista Tippett

"​​​The world is made up of stories; it’s not made up of facts. Because that is the only way we can make sense out of life, through the stories."
--Rachel Naomi Remen

"​​​​A man was never just a man. A man was endless possibility waiting to become."
--William Kent Kreuger

"​We develop more emotional maturity if we play more. We develop more decision-making ability if we play more."
--Steve Keil

"Dedicate yourself to the good you deserve and desire for yourself. Give yourself peace of mind. You deserve to be happy. You deserve delight."
--​​​​​​​Hannah Arendt
William G. DeFoore, Ph.D
Halcyon Life Enterprises, LLP