Goodfinding Newsletter by Dr. William DeFoore

Published: Wed, 03/01/17

Goodfinding® Newsletter     William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.     March, 2017     Vol 11 Issue 3

Be Fully Engaged With Your Life

Those are the moments that stand out in your memory...those moments when you felt fully alive, fully engaged, and "all in!" How would you like to live your life like that most of the time? It is not only possible, it's how you were designed to operate. You have a brilliant mind and a magnificent body, and you are designed to fully utilize your capacities for engagement and enthusiastic expression.

Seek Openings & Opportunities To Engage

Your Goodfinding mind is always looking for something to be grateful for, to appreciate, and to look forward to. And every one of those positive points of focus are openings and opportunities for full engagement with your life. Keep working daily and diligently on your mental and emotional fitness, by finding, focusing on, savoring and amplifying all of the good that is in your mind, your body, your relationships, and the vast, amazing world around you.

Every positive point of focus...any small or large comfort, kindness or convenience provides an opening and an opportunity for you to expand into full engagement with your life. What does it mean to be fully engaged? It means you are saying an enthusiastic "Yes!" to each day, each moment, each challenge that lies before you.

Remember...savor and welcome the good that comes, and say to yourself, "More of this, please!" When the not-so-good comes along, say to yourself, "What good will come from this?" and "I look forward to becoming smarter and stronger because of this!" That's the formula...apply works!


Quotes From Great Goodfinders

"​​Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by."
--Carl Sanburg

"​Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it."
--Julia Child

"​​​Best trust the happy moments. What they give makes man less fearful of a certain grave, and gives his work compassion and new eyes. The days that make us happy make us wise."
--John Masefield

"​Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new."
--Ursula K. LeGuin

William G. DeFoore, Ph.D
Halcyon Life Enterprises, LLP