Goodfinding Newsletter by Dr. William DeFoore

Published: Sat, 04/01/17

Goodfinding® Newsletter     William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.     April, 2017     Vol 11 Issue 4

Re-ignite Your Enthusiasm Daily

We all need a good kick-start as we launch into a new day, so that we can step enthusiastically into our tasks and bring the best of who we are to every interaction.

Your subconscious mind has been busy "cleaning house" while you slept, and that can leave you feeling a little fuzzy or "off" when you wake up. So, a good, healthy morning routine is essential to clearing the fuzz away and reaping all of the benefits of life as a Goodfinder.

Crank up your happiness habit now, by following these simple steps at the beginning of each day:
  1. Go to a comfortable place, preferably outdoors if weather permits.

  2. Get your journal and a pen, and perhaps play some soothing, uplifting music for inspiration.

  3. It also helps to have some inspirational reading to re-focus you on the blessings and beauty of life.

  4. Once you're settled and ready to write in your journal, just start in on the three-part Goodfinding journaling process, described in the video below.

  5. It's simply a matter of being grateful for the good from your past, appreciating the good in your present, and looking forward to the good that is ahead in your future...that's Goodfinding!


Quotes From Great Goodfinders

"​​Gratitude is the sign of noble souls."

"​​Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
--Stephen Kind

"​​​Optimism is the foundation of courage."
--Nicholas M. Butler

"​When you meet people, show real appreciation, then genuine curiosity."
--Martha Beck

"Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well."
William G. DeFoore, Ph.D
Halcyon Life Enterprises, LLP