Terri Bradley Consulting - July 2017 newsletter

Published: Wed, 07/05/17

July 2017





Dear ,​​​​​​​

Hello summer! Picnics, parades, fireworks, campouts and family vacations…all of the traditions and joys that summer has to bring. And for us in the OMS community: it’s all sorts of CRAZY! The phones are ringing off the hook, doctor’s schedules are overflowing and the swarm of patients is unbelievable. ‘Tis the season! How do we best manage this busyness and ensure that our active patients remember their appointments? How do we fill those last minute open spots that occur because summer is happening to our patients?

Well, to help ease this burden it is critical that a protocol be established for confirming appointments. Who is going to do the confirmations on the daily and at what time of day? I have found that making those calls in the morning is best as afternoons tend to get a bit hectic. It is also helpful to confirm at least 48-hours in advance of the appointment.  Worth noting is to try not to confirm too far in advance; even with the era of smart phones, we are still dealing with humans. And, what I find is most important, do not just leave messages. Oh, did I already mention—Do. Not. Leave. Messages. Be sure that you speak with your patient or their guardian before you check that confirmation box so you can remind them personally of their allotted date and time and also provide the details of when, if necessary, they must begin fasting.  Also needed might be a review of medications or pre-meds, what to bring to their appointment, along with a review of their anticipated financial responsibilities. All of this information will ensure a smooth check-in. Better yet, if you have the option of texting reminders I highly recommend it in this smart phone society we live in these days. 

And for those patients who cancel when you make that confirmation call?  Perhaps it's time to review what kind of a cancellation list your practice uses. I see in many of the practices we visit desks and computers decorated will all sorts of pretty, colorful post-it notes. Multiple people are keeping their own little “cancellation list”.  Why not come up with a better system that will allow everyone to access one list in one location?  Maybe you can create an Excel spreadsheet and put it on your shared drive? This will enable everyone that schedules appointments to have access to it, therefore the ability to fill an open spot. We all know that an open chair equals lost revenues. Let’s be proactive and keep those schedules full!

From our team to yours—Best wishes for busy, productive practices this summer!

May your summer be filled with family, friends, great food and fun.


 Contact Information

Terri Bradley Consulting