Are you skipping juicing some days?

Published: Wed, 03/08/17

It happens to all of us, even me. The fridge is empty and you are about to do your grocery to buy more veggies.

Or you are on a trip for few days.

Maybe you are even in crisis mode at your job and you do nothing else beside working and sleeping for few days.

It does happen to me sometime and I used to skip my juicing ritual for few days.

Few days is enough for me to feel the difference in my energy level.

I'm sure you can relate and you have done it too sometimes

(If you never skipped a single of juicing. I want to know. Hit reply button and let me know!!!)

This situation doesn't really happen to me anymore. And I'll tell you why.

Because I do something else which has resulted in a pretty amazing transformation.

Today, it's totally OK if I skip a few days from juicing and eating my veggies.

I know that sounds like health heresy, but hear me out, ok? I promise you'll like it.

A good friend sent me a jar of this fantastic green drink.

I have to tell you, I've tried a lot of green drinks. I have a shelf full of them. They taste awful, don't they?

Not this one. For some reason, it tastes incredible!

It's actually been voted the #1 best tasting green drink.

So here's what I've been doing:

When those urges to backslide on my veggies hit? I drink this. I'm told it's like eating 3 big kale salads in one glass.

You're actually drinking your salads!

I chug a glass down for the day and I'm good to go. It puts a smile on my face.

Now, when I do go back to juicing, as I always do and start eating my veggies again, I still drink this because, well it tastes great and it's really good for you. Trust me, you can feel the goodness.

I even put a scoop in my juices just as a nutrition boost.

I've even heard people losing weight drinking this. I know I didn't gain any when I was on my veggie sabbatical. Which is VERY unusual.

So losing weight is good. Having it taste good is great. And now I don't feel guilty from taking a break from my veggies.

Try it for yourself and see what happens.

--> Watch the video here

Oli L.

May you never be ignorant of carnal knowledge

PS: I'm in no way saying you can forget your veggies. They're gotta-haves. But on those days when your taste buds are complying? This is the best substitute I've discovered.

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