Pomegranate substitute for an almighty Manhood!

Published: Wed, 02/01/17

Hi postman!

Hit me with another question!

Robert wrote this:

I have been juicing for about 3 weeks. I have a couple questions for you.
I have been juicing fruits in the morning and vegetables in the afternoon.
1. Since I have been trying all the recipes is it just as good to concentrate on one or two different recipes. This could cut my grocery bill down and also the wasted fruits and vegetables that have gone bad before I could use them.
2. Your recipes use pomegranates. These are not readily available and are rather pricey. Is there an alternate or substitute for the pomegranates?

Thank you Robert. I'm so sure that you are not alone having this type of questions that I'm going to answer to the group!

1. Variety is best but focussing on a smaller set of recipes is good too.

You need to find the right balance between variety and a grocery bill that will make you comfortable.

The last thing that I want you to do is to waste food!

As you continue juicing, you will develop a sixth sense for that and you will know exactly the right amount of ingredients to buy for your comsumption without any waste.

The other thing that I can say is that:

Everyone has core ingredients.

These are foods that I'm calling superfoods. They are food that are recommended to be eaten daily by doctors and nutritionists. I have them in my bags everytime that I go to the grocery:

  • broccoli

  • spinach

  • apple

  • avocado

  • fresh ginger

Then around those core ingredients, I do add a layer of variety.

but you definitely don't need to go through all 17 recipes every week!!

Plus you need to adapt to the seasons. I love very much watermelon for its taste and beneficial properties for the manhood but it is damn expensive during winter...

2. The pomegranate is an exceptional fruit possessing unique nutrients that are amazingly good for your manhood.

That being said, it is true that its availability varies based on the time of the year.

I'm not eating pomegranate all the time myself because of that.

A good substitute for the progranate is any food having a high concentration of antioxidants. Berries of all sorts are very good for that. The Juicing For Your Manhood to increase your T levels contains an exhaustive list of food having the highest concentration of antioxidants. These are the ingredients that you want to focus on when you cannot have access to the almighty pomegranate!

If you haven't bought any of my juicing recipes book yet, I have this amazing deal: 3 Juice recipes for your manhood for only $3...

Hope this helps!

Happy juicing everyone!

Oli L.

“The Man Behind the Most Interesting Man in the World”

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