Your Questions Answered

Published: Wed, 10/26/16

Olivier Langlois, Juicing Expert for Men
Olivier Langlois, Juicing Expert for Men

This question comes in from Darren in White Plains NY

Olivier, I’ve always heard that we shouldn’t drink fruit juice because it’s all sugar and all of the fiber has been taken out. Why do you recommend we do?

Very good question Darren.

First of all…JFYM is about wayyyy more than just fruit juice recipes.

It actually makes super intelligent aliens abduct you and inject you with an exotic green elixir that transforms your manhood into something that’s kind of like God, Muhammed Ali, and Grade 1 Titanium Alloy all rolled into one…

Okay actually it doesn’t really do that.

But it does combine super nutrients that have been shown to block the output of anti-inflammatory proteins that damage the elasticity of the smooth muscle cells in your penis.

In layman’s terms…it makes your dick more better (yes grammar Nazi…I meant to write it that way).

You can find out more about that HERE.

Now…as for the fruit thing.

I don’t “juice” fruit…I use a high-powered blender.

It blends everything up and I drink it all (including all of the fiber ;-))

When you join the Juicing For Your Manhood movement I’ll tell you about the best machines to buy that are super affordable and effective.

Another question from Sam in Carson City Nevada

Olivier, I’ve been using your guide for about 2 months now. My erections have really improved but I notice that I still don’t have the same drive and desire as before. Is this normal?

Sam’s question is a good one.

Assuming that you aren’t being sucked dry by Virility Vampires

A big reason why your drive hasn’t returned is that you aren’t getting your core masculinity fired up.

There are lots of ways to do it but I’m going to recommend you do this:

Lift heavy stuff for about 20-30 minutes 3 times a week…

My friend Todd Lamb designed a program for guys to do this in their own homes.

He is an elite Special Forces officer in Canada and he has the kind of body that makes Thor look like a shaved, overfed Snuffleupagus (Nasally voice and all)…

SpecForce is a fitness program designed to turn average guys into elite warriors in just about 1 hour per week.

I myself go to a crossfit gym but when I’m on the road or just don’t have time…

I use this program and dozens of guys I’ve recommended it to rave about it.

>>Check It Out Here

Then write me a letter and thank me for all the sex you’re having.


Stay spry and handsome my friend,


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***Health tips With Olivier Langlois***

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