Enjoy the changes in life

Published: Sun, 09/13/15

Welcome to our weekly newsletter.
Autumn is already here
 The autumn arrives early this year - soon to be here in the south of Sweden anyway.
Already, the air has changed and it feels clear and clean to breathe. Some trees are starting to turn color, but there's a long way to go before the forests explode in their beautiful autumn colors.
I have always liked the shifts between seasons and I appreciate every season for various reasons.

In spring, it's the same magic every year - nature comes to life.

Summer with all its greenery and flowers is lovely - bright warm evenings to enjoy.

I appreciate the autumn because that is when it's time to retire indoors, to cozy up in the evenings, to walk in the woods and just breathe, to enjoy all the autumn colors and autumn scents.

Winter is beautiful, imagine a real winter with snow and brilliant sunshine - cold but beautiful. Nature is resting, gathering strength for the next spring.

I think that our seasons are a bit like life itself ...
Spring / youth with everything that wakes up, the amazing energy that never ends.

Summer / adulthood with all its joy and desire to fulfill, create and experience.

The autumn / old age is the time to harvest everything you have accomplished, to live your wisdom with beauty.

Winter / resting - resting after a long life, gathering strength for the next spring (life) to come...
Break your patterns
I often hear from clients that "now comes the autumn and I always feel bad in the autumn"
I usually answer "Yes, it's not so strange - you've already made up your mind to feel bad every time it is autumn ... Can't you stop thinking like this?
It will actually be autumn every year - isn't it time to break the pattern? "

No one need to feel bad just because it's a special season or time of year. You might have done it for years but that doesn't mean that you can't quit - now!
This is just a pattern that you stuck in and patterns are made to be broken.

Decide that this year it's a lovely autumn!
Life often becomes what you have decided it will be, subconsciously or fully consciously.
If you, fully aware, decide that this year will be good - then you will create a great opportunity for yourself to break the pattern and be able to feel good throughout the autumn.

It helps to plan and do things that you appreciate ...
It's not the big tours or shopping trips I mean, it's the details of your life - things that make you feel good in everyday life.

A cup of tea - a good book - a cuddly blanket - a beautiful bouquet of autumn leaves - the scent of moss - curl up on the couch and listen to music or read a book or watch a movie - enjoy the high clear air - light candles and cuddle - a hot tasty soup - a warm bath - all things you can do an ordinary Tuesday. Just because you are worth taking care of!

Write a list of everything that you enjoy doing, little gems in everyday life, read your list if it feels heavy one day. A day that you need a little help to feel good.

My challenge this week; Try it! Write your list and create yourself a lovely autumn! Please tell us how it goes, you are most welcome to write in the member forum and let everyone take part of your experience.

All the best!
Susanne Jonsson
Soul and heart Journey School
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