Susanne´s news a Great Start!

Published: Sun, 06/21/15

Thank you for all comments and questions!
I guess you know by now, that I really enjoy reading your comments and questions :) I try to answer all questions as soon as I can and I learn a lot from your comments!

I have done some changes on SJ-School website. Now I hope it will be easier to find the information you couldn't find before. 
I still appreciate all your comments - leave them here if you like:
Summer Solstice

Today, 21 Juni at exact 4,38 PM it's Summer Solstice and the start of Summer for us living in the Northern part of the Earth.
During summer, it's time to relax and let go of all demands that you put on your self. Even if you work all summer, take your time to just breath, just be in the moment.
Refill all your batteries and boost your energy. Spend some time in nature - that's for free and still the best place you can recover in - independent of the weather. Here in the northern Europe it's not always sun in summer :)
Have a great Summer!
Soul and heart Journey School
SJ-School is a international holistic,
​alternative school with roots in Sweden.
Our teachings are based on ancient wisdom
and on the new wisdom we have on The Earth now.
We hope you will find something you need to read or hear
at this moment, something that can help you get a better life.
Join us and be a member in our school - for FREEE
All the best!
Susanne Jonsson
Soul and heart Journey School