Comprehensive BioScan for Your Pet

Published: Fri, 06/09/17

Dear Pet Parent,

All of us want answers.

That is the very reason I chose a different path of medicine. I chose Traditional Chinese Medicine because it provides the most in depth picture of disease than any other facet of medicine I've studied. It provides us with answers that lie in the grey area. Those answers are not picked up on bloodwork, X-rays or sometimes even ultrasound. These answers lie hidden in the area of  what we call in medicine "ADR" "Ain't doing right" and "we've conducted these tests but still don't have the answers." We holistic doctors love a challenge; that's why we do what we do but sometimes, we, ourselves need more tools to assist us in reaching the best diagnosis. 

The majority of patients that we see at our office have layers and layers of disharmony.

Most of our patients have been dealing with illnesses for years, some decades. This can be trying for both the pet parent and me, your doctor. So we have been researching additional methods of diagnosing and treating some of these difficult cases. 

As most of you now know and understand, qi "chi" is the vital life force in TCM that we aim to keep flowing rhythmically.

When qi is in harmony, there is no disease. When qi is obstructed or not flowing rhythmically, disharmony or disease can arise within the body. So when the body is under stress from outside invaders, parasites, toxins, weakening of an organ system, abnormal cell or tumor growth, qi will be obstructed and disharmony or disease will likely manifest. 

This vital life force, qi, has a measurable frequency as does every cell, enzyme, bacteria, virus and parasite. In fact, everything in creation has a measurable frequency. 

So why not take advantage of a technology that is able to measure these stressors in the body?

That's exactly what I did, when I realized my little Poncho was not coming out of his post partum depression. I began to look into some testing that I had been researching for a while. I found one naturaopathic practitioner outside of town to run a bioscan on Poncho. After the results were in, a homeopathic remedy was made to balance the findings from his scan. Within 4 weeks, I began to see improvement! I pursued further bioscan testing, this time into allergies and toxin exposure and after removing a few more foods from his diet (this was his 3rd food allergy test) and strengthening his immune system that had been weakened from the stress of adding a new baby, he is finally feeling like his old self! I couldn't be happier! Poncho is now running laps around me again!

I want all of my patients to feel like my Poncho!

I want the best for each and every one of your fur babies! So we have been on a mission to bring this testing into our practice. We now have a local source to run our bioscans and formulate the homeopathic balancing drops. 

Many of you have already experienced the new tests we are offering at our practice.

We are offering a Comprehensive Bioscan that evaluates disharmony at a cellular level including toxin exposure, neurotransmitter or enzyme dysfunction, hormonal imbalances and even organ system weakness. I call it our "xray vision" into the cellular and molecular level of the body. However, we want to make sure our clients understand that this test is measuring frequencies these levels or what we call imbalances. Frequency imbalances are in the "gray area" also. Think of it as between the YIN and YANG.  If we can correct the problems in the gray area, the same as we correct the free flow of qi, this is just another way we can prevent and even correct disharmony in the body before it becomes disease. 

As I mentioned earlier, the majority of our patients have layers and layers of imbalances, therefore I liken treating each patient as if we were treating "layers of an onion." Correcting imbalances takes time and diligence and with consistency we see healing and resolution. 

We will be offering a class at The City Club Wednesday June 28th @ 7:00 pm for anyone interested in learning more about Bioscan testing. Please call us at (205) 637-6653 if you would like to sign up for the class.
Be well, 
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Well Being Medicine for Animals
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