Meet Munchy!

Published: Mon, 09/26/16

Pets of AWeber
A wonderful little dog


Breed Shorkie
Home Havertown, PA
Hobbies Sleeping, snacking, and playing with his brother


Munchy is a super happy little pup who lives in Havertown PA with two adult people, one child person, and his brother Dig (a silky terrier). He has been with his family since he was just 10 weeks old and would definitely not be able to function in the real world without Dig.
Although he likes hanging out outside from time to time he is definitely an inside dog. Nothing makes him happier than pulling a blanket off a couch, making himself a nest, and snuggling down with one of his favorite toys.


Munchy in the snow
Munchy on the rug
Munchy with a bowtie
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