[Dr. H's Clipboard] Preventive Care Tools

Published: Thu, 01/26/17

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Preventive Care Tools
Gwyn, a wellness instructor, had just turned 50, and her husband was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. She understood the value of preventive care and knew the importance of creating balance in her life. But was she prepared for the upset of her husband’s illness? Was her wellness experience key to creating an advance care plan?

Preventive care is necessary for you, as a family caregiver, to guard against burnout and heartache. Prevention is the necessary tool that allows you to survive caregiving and prompts you to do no harm.
Tributes & Wishes
Share a tribute to a loved one who has died, or to mark the anniversary of their death.

Have a wish for the weekend? Post your plan on Wednesday. Practice expressing end-of-life wishes during the prime of life
Resource Article

Survey of Doctors Reveals the Lowest Value Treatment

What do physicians know and when do they realize it?

This survey suggests that physicians often give “low-value care” at the end of life. As a patient or family caregiver, you might have your physician realize what matters to you. Call attention to the fact that your dignity is not supported by low-value care. 

Kevin's World
Being in a Good Space to Blossom

My Christmas cactus didn’t bloom until Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday. I thought I did something wrong. Maybe I had given it too much water or not enough water at the right time? A friend suggested I move the plant to get more sunlight. Did it matter if the end result was different than the expected time?

Being in a good space usually occurs through quieting the mind and listening to the heart. The heart is nonjudgmental and compassionate of others.  Like Martin Luther King, Jr., your heart proclaims the virtue of nonviolence. MLK’s example teaches us how to be in a good space and let nature take its course. 
Hear Dr. H

The Aware Show - Afterlife Summit

Watch Dr. Haselhorst's interview with Lisa Garr
on The Aware Show's Afterlife Summit.