I'm engaged!!! ~ The Moo's-Letter

Published: Wed, 02/07/18

Hi !

In early January, one year and one day after our first date, my boyfriend got down on one knee in front of my Jersey heifers and asked me to marry him...

I said YES!!! 

...and this autumn I'll be changing my name from Fournier to De Ruiter. 

Before our paths crossed, I was a sworn spinster, and proud of it. I never dreamed that I'd ever date or marry. After all, what guy would want to marry a girl that was sooooo crazy about her cows? 

Funny thing is, Ben and I actually met on E-Harmony--but I wasn't there because I was looking for a guy to date. My friends were encouraging me to meet guys my age, and I thought that the best way to stop them was to date for six months and "prove" that I was meant to be single. But I guess God had other plans for me, because Ben and I were dating before the end of that first month! 

Looking back, I can't believe that our paths never crossed before as we are both dairy farmers, but I guess the timing wasn't quite right. Plus meeting on E-Harmony makes for a better story. :)
