Weekly Update June 20, 2017

Published: Mon, 06/19/17

Weekly Recap

Hi !

Last week was filled with highs and lows.  An attack by an American, on American soil, at Americans was shocking.  It caused my husband to finally take my advice about backing down the tone.  Maybe we should all try to get along a little better. Read my blog Words Matter here: http://shemanenugent.rocks/words-matter

And it we celebrated Father's Day too! Check out my blog about my dad: http://shemanenugent.rocks/not-just-father-dad

Educational Tidbits:

LearningMy Friends

My friends and business partners April O’Leary and Danielle Russo Slugh did an HOUR-Long Facebook Live about the Super Food products that have changed our lives.

While in Florida, I was able to fit in a beach walk and yoga on the pier: https://www.instagram.com/p/BVSWOSehJ7v/?taken-by=shemanenugent

Social Snaps:

Social SnapsLove these girls! Not only are we best friends, but business partners as well!  We’re having fun, staying healthy and changing people’s lives.  If you want to do the same, maybe you're ready to start putting yourself first, maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to lose weight and get in shape, join us!

Check out www.shemanenugent.rocks/opportunity


Healthy Living: Looks Good, Tastes Better!


Seriously one of the best meals I've ever eaten! Salmon with gnocchi, spinach and cream sauce at Gratzi in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Salmon with gnocchi, spinach and cream sauce!

Fun and Family: Kids and Dogs

More dog pics!! It’s so relaxing to go boating and when I get to bring my dogs, it’s even better!Cuteness Alert

My Dogg Saddie

Thanks for checking out my weekly recap!  You can’t always please everyone so you may as well please yourself!  I’d love to hear from you! Let me know if you like the updates and what you’d like to see more or less of.

As always, if you don’t like the emails, please feel free to unsubscribe.  As someone once told me, I want to go where I’m celebrated not tolerated. 

Shemane Nugent