Preparing Kids for LIFE!

Published: Wed, 08/02/17


Food Storage Made Easy Newsletter {{BANNER IMAGE}}
Hi from Jodi and Julie! 

When we started the blog over at Food Storage Made Easy we had a couple of babies and NO Food Storage. Well that's not entirely true. Julie had a case of water and a few cans of tomato soup. It's now been about 9 years and Food Storage is second nature for us.  In that time we have compiled a complete encyclopedia on our website with resources for almost anything you can imagine.  We have even written a book you can learn more about and purchase here. We are grateful for all that we have learned but must admit - basic food storage isn't something we are "working" on anymore.

Our focus in recent years has become more centered around a different kind of preparedness.  It's very relevant and related. We are now focusing a lot of our day to day lives on "Preparing Kids for LIFE". We now have 8 kids between the two of us and time is ticking before they get out into the real world. 

A few weeks ago we asked YOU our readers on facebook what some of the things you wished you would have been prepared with for life before you went out on your own. From that discussion we compiled the following list. We plan on doing some really fun things with this list but for now wanted to share it with you and see if there is anything else that may be missing! If you think of anything that isn't on this list (we know it's not comprehensive, nor can it ever be) let us know by simply replying to this email.


  • how to save
  • how to pay taxes
  • how to budget
  • how to use coupons
  • how credit cards work
  • how to save for retirement
  • how to get health insurance
  • how to follow a recipe
  • how to use a crock-pot
  • how to can
  • how to pressure cook
  • how to grill
  • how to cook a whole chicken/turkey
  • how to make bread
  • how to use left-overs
  • how to meal plan
  • how to use a lawnmower
  • how to plant a garden
  • how to save seeds
  • how to weed
  • how to make a bed
  • how to clean a bathroom
  • how to mop
  • how to clean a fridge
  • how to dust
  • how to use a drill
  • how to use an ax
  • how to do basic wiring
  • how to fix doors and locks
  • how to mend clothes
  • how to hem
  • how to sew on a button
  • how to knit
  • how to quilt
  • how to do laundry
  • how to iron
  • how to change a tire
  • how to change oil and check fluids
  • how to replace windshield wipers
  • how to replace a burnt light
  • how to fix toilets
  • how to install a dishwasher
  • how to install a washer and dryer
  • how to install/fix a disposal
  • how to turn off the main water lines
  • how to listen to understand
  • how to make eye contact
  • how to do a proper handshake
  • how to deal with hard people
  • how to negotiate
  • how to be thoughtful
  • how to save by turning off utilities when not in use
  • how to have a DIY mentality
  • how to go without
  • how to recycle
  • how to grind wheat
  • how to cook with a sun oven
  • how to use non-electric stoves
  • how to filter water
  • how to wash without running water
  • how to perform basic cpr
  • how to handle choking
  • how to deal with large cuts
  • how to treat shock
  • how to recognize heat illnesses
  • how to use guns safely
  • how to keep guns in a secure place
  • how to catch a fish
  • how to gut a fish for eating
  • how to safely hunt
-Jodi and Julie
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