★ If you build multiple WP sites this plugin will save you hours...

Published: Sat, 12/19/15


There's a whole bunch of stuff you need to do when you install WordPress, it's not exactly push a button or two and it's done...

And all that extra, fiddly stuff steals your time, especially if your building a bunch of blogs for yourself or a client!

This plugin will AUTOMATICALLY:

 ~ Delete the Demo Posts, Pages and Comments

 ~ Change the Permalink Structure to %PostName%

 ~ Create An About, Contact and Privacy Policy Page

 ~ Allow Users to Supply a List of Keywords and then Create A Page/Post For Each Keyword

 ~ Upload articles for each keyword

 ~ Upload image for each keyword

 ~ Add Relevant YouTube Videos To Each Page

Basically, this plugin will setup your blog with the push of a button.

click the button below to check it out while it's on special holiday offer:

Matt Garrett
Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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