December 2011 Newsletter - One Review, Two Special Offers

Published: Wed, 12/14/11

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Clare Evans - Personal & Business Coach

December 2011 - Issue 89 -

Hello ,

Seasons Greetings.  I hope you're having a good end to this year.  How have things gone for you in 2011?

This month there are two special offers for you.

For the remainder of December - all Time Audit Feedback Sessionsare half price. Get personalised feedback on your Time Audit, tips and strategies to increase your productivity.  (The price increases on January 1st, so if you've been thinking about it, the time is now - book now before the price increase.)

Also, my second offer to get you off to a great start in the New Year - get six sessions instead of four on the Kick Start Coaching Programme.  There are a limited number available, so book today to ensure your place in January.

If you really want a head start to 2012 you could even get started next week but you'll need to be quick - I have only three slots available.

Look out for my 12 days of Christmas Productivity Tips for additional bonuses and offers to make a great start to your New Year.

Keep in touch with what I'm up to and get extra tips from my blog - or Follow Me on Twitter - or contact me on Linked In or Facebook.

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous and productive New Year.

See you in 2012.


P.S. Feel free to pass this newsletter on to friends and colleagues.  Thank you.

Review Your Year, Ensure Your Success

You've worked hard all year, so now's the time to enjoy a well-earned break and take some time to enjoy and celebrate your successes this year.

Whatever's happening for you - the end of one year and the start of the next is a great time to review your successes and challenges for the past year and there have certainly been a few for all of us.

With the recession still biting hard, governments and countries going into meltdown and powers beyond our control having an impact on all our lives, it can be hard to stay positive.

Set aside some time between now and the end of the year for an Annual Review and give yourself a pat on the back.

Get out your business plan and goals for the year, along with a sheet of paper and take note of the following.

What have you achieved this year? How many new clients did you gain, how much did you increase your income by? Were you above, below or on target?

What have you not been able to achieve? What got in your way or stopped you? Sometimes these are external factors, sometimes its internal blocks or lack of skills or knowledge. Don't worry about things that are outside of your control. There's not much we can do about them.

Sometimes our goals change during the course of the year. What seemed like a good idea at the start of year is no longer relevant. Our circumstances change, so we need to rethink our plans - another reason to review regularly.

What opportunities came up? - perhaps there were some you didn't expect or you were able to take advantage of during the course of the year?

What were your wins for the year? Focus on the positives - there are usually some in every situation.

On a personal level - complete the same review process. Think of all the different roles in your life - how did you do in each of those?

Start thinking about it now - carry a notebook with you so you can jot down some of your thoughts as you think of them, then set aside an hour or two or preferably half a day, later in the month or early next year to complete the review process.

You might be pleasantly surprised by how much you have achieved when you start to write it down.

Write down your achievements, successes and challenges on a piece of paper, document or spreadsheet. I've created a great spreadsheet which acts as a monthly action list as well as a review (email me if you'd like a template.)

How did you do overall? If you're able to achieve 70-80% of your goals you're doing well. If you achieve 100% of your goals you may need to challenge yourself more. If you're achieving less - perhaps your goals are too challenging or you're not focusing on them throughout the year.

Once you've reviewed this year, set aside another couple of hours before the end of the month or early next year, to write down your goals for the coming year - think about your work/life balance and have a mix of personal and business goals.

You might think you're too busy but this is time well spent. If you know where you are and you know where you were you can see if last year's roadmap worked and create a new one for this year.

Make each goal specific and give yourself measureable targets and milestones to work towards each month. (See my article on Goal Setting).

If you would like to review your strategy for 2012, give me a call or book a free 
Strategy Session.

Until next year.


Workshops, Events and Resources:

FREE Time Management Audit   Check your current time habits and get tips for quick and easy solutions.

Take Control of your Time - simple strategies to tackle key challenges.  Improve your time habits week by week - get more done in less time.

Free Strategy Session - book a free 30-45 minute session to discuss your issues and challenges. Book online via Tungle

Recent Blog Posts:

Networking Tip #22 Make It Personal

Be Careful What You Wish For

Staff To Be Banned From Sending Email

Train Your Team

Creating An Inspirational Workplace

Useful Resources

Article Marketer - automatic article submission site.; Write once, get read multiple times.

Aweber - Create your own automated newsletters. Follow up, tracking, & real-time stats.

Market Samurai - A GREAT tool for improving your website SEO, keywords, Google Ads

Ultimate Small Business Marketing Book - simple, straightforward, no-nonsense practical tips and information.  Buy it on Amazon

Time Management For Dummies

Grab a copy of this best selling book and get off to a good start.

Over 11,000 copies sold.

Click the image
to buy from Amazon UK.

"Worth reading several times"

"Time management in easily understood sections"

Clare Evans
Personal and Business Coach

T: +44 (0)1273 588297
M: +44 07887 954512
E: [email protected]

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FB: Facebook Profile
FB Page: Time Management For Everyone


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