3 Tips, 6 Free Downloads & a Quote :-)

Published: Sat, 11/14/15

What a week! lol - I have a new Great Dane in the house, finally rested up from my last trip, and I have some FUN stuff to share with you this weekend. :) First, here's a picture of Sulley - my new Dane, and Slim's new best friend:
Sweet, right? :) Being able to work in dane foster/rescue, and give Great Danes a wonderful life, is one of the things I really love about working from home. Well, now that my two beautiful children are raised, that is. :) Sulley is here to stay, so expect to see plenty more of him!
Let's start with the 6 free downloads... I told you about these the other day, but you may have missed that email. I shared my thoughts on each of the 6 worksheets here. (the download link is on that page too)
I would love to hear YOUR thoughts! What were your biggest take-aways, or favorite tips - or which worksheet are you going to implement first?? Come leave a comment and let's discuss it! :)
Weekend Quote: "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default." --JK Rowling / Share this quote

Watch the video at: http://www.clicknewz.com/10710/fear-of-failure/ and see the 7 simple solutions to the things that keep you from achieving success online.

Ready to get over your fear, get over the hump, and have a successful business running at maximum profit potential? Schedule a private strategy session, join my group of serious action-takers and let me help you personally, or follow my own niche success blueprint from start to profit.

Whatever you decide, take action today! ;-)

Tip #1: If you have a product-based business, there are two great ways to increase your revenue easily: 1) recruit & work with affiliates for your products, and 2) integrate affiliate recommendations into your products, content & marketing. If you're doing all of your marketing yourself, and only marketing your own products, you're really limiting your reach AND your profit potential! Questions/Comments

Tip #2: Analyze your time. What is taking up most of your time - and are those tasks producing great results? If not, do something else in that time instead! "Do more of what's working, and less of what's not." ;-) Questions/Comments

Tip #3: Have a product? Make an "affiliate wishlist" of people you'd love to work with, or people who have audiences you'd love to get your product in front of. Create a Twitter List and a Facebook List to add them to, so you can start making casual / conversational connections to warm up those lists before you invite them to your affiliate program. Questions/Comments

That's it for today! Click the "Questions/Comments" links if you want to discuss or share any of the tips above. And be sure to grab your 6 free worksheets, and also get your copy of Millionaire Within before the live training session on Thursday. :) Have a great weekend!

Lynn Terry

Want to be a Successful Niche Blogger? That's what I do! :) I have a step-by-step "Niche Success Blueprint" that walks you through your entire first year... from start to (fast) profit.

It's a better deal (right now) to join my Private Brainstorming Group though, so you get the Niche Success Blueprint AND I can work with you personally on every single step. You can currently join for only $37/month and get started right away! See: http://www.clicknewz.com/hands-on-help/ for details.
* There's also a Lifetime Access option that is currently $500 off, if you prefer the savings - and no recurring membership fees. See this page and let me know if you have any questions! ;-) I would love to work with you. *cheers*