Live Examples & Free Take Action Checklist

Published: Fri, 06/17/16


This free checklist and the live examples should spark some SERIOUS creativity and inspiration for you today! :-)

I was just sharing some EASY tips for list building and increasing traffic & revenue in my Private Brainstorming Group last night, and wanted to share some of that here with you as well - without even taking up a whole hour...

This will literally just take a few minutes, and it should really get your wheels turning!

First, here's the direct download link to the "Take Action Checklist" I mentioned:

Free Checklist For Increasing Your Reach Online

Download that, save it, open it and read through it. It's a checklist so it's a breeze to read. Then go back to the top and implement those tips... and see what happens. ;-)

I want to give you a couple of FRESH live examples too...

As you know, I'm very successful online in the low carb niche. I have a "lifestyle blog" teaching people how to lose weight, live a more active lifestyle, and how to become the happiest healthiest version of themselves. It's a lot of fun. :)  Anyway, here's the first example:

If you click here you can see that actual update on my Instagram account. I discovered last year that my market is HOT on Instagram, so I made it a point to get over there. ;-) Hot indeed! I already have over 25,000 followers... and it's transferring very well into traffic, subscribers & conversions.

If you're familiar with Instagram, you already know you can't use live links anywhere except the one link in your profile/bio. In the example above, you'll see exactly how I'm doing "conversational list building" and encouraging followers to subscribe to my mailing list. (It's working... very well!)

The second example is a "Social Product Review." You can view it here on my Facebook Page. Take special note of the responses there. ;-)

This update is actually part of an ongoing story that started in my blog post about kayaking. I talked about borrowing one of these cases, and one I found that I ordered for myself. I posted an update when it arrived (open box photo), posted a photo of me heading out on an adventure to use it... and followed up with this update.

It's all very casual, fun and conversational - and converting!!

The comments you see on that update on my Page are just a few compared to the responses on my blog, in my Facebook Group, and across the web in other places. Next I'll publish a complete Product Review on my blog that pulls all the pieces together and includes even more details of my decision to buy it and why I recommend it.

You may be wondering how that product is relevant to my "low carb blog" since it's not about weight loss or food. That's the fun part! It's called "Affinity Marketing" and I do TONS of that in this niche. It's all about knowing your market, and coming up with creative angles to share different types of products with them. In this case, I've been doing an "outdoor fitness summer series" that includes a lot of water, lol...

I hope these examples prove useful and interesting to you. They are great models to emulate. I say that because... they are working very well for me. ;-)

Don't forget to Download your Free Action Checklist. Enjoy!

Lynn Terry

p.s. Struggling to find TIME to blog?? Read This...

I have two more Fast Action Guides with Checklists here: