How to use Email for Passive Income

Published: Thu, 08/22/13

Email is still one of the best ways to start making money (or more money) online in your niche - and done right it can be a great source of passive income.
If you're not yet using an Autoresponder Series as part of your business strategy, or if you want to improve the results with your email list, you should definitely tune in on Saturday:
Paul Evans is hosting a live training session where he's going to teach how to write a GREAT autoresponder series that converts. He's also going to share his #1 (best performing) email sequence (every detail, step by step) and show exactly how you can use it in ANY market.
I'm registered to attend myself. If you can tune in live Saturday at 11am Eastern time you can ask questions and get help, but if not you can get the replay and bonus downloads immediately after - as long as you're registered.
I am interested in the topic for my own niche lists of course, but I am also planning to review the training session and recommend it as one of Paul's affiliates. 
By the time I publish my review, the price will be $47. I wanted to let you know about it in advance so you can get in for only $20 and so you can attend live if you prefer.
It should be an awesome session! Be sure to register before Saturday, even if you plan to listen to the replay later, because that will save you $27. And hey, every penny counts, right? ;-)
Hopefully I'll see you there!
Lynn Terry
p.s. You can get more details about the live training session on the registration page:
$20 is super cheap considering what you can earn implementing Paul's strategies - for years to come! If you're not familiar with Paul Evans, I can tell you firsthand he's a stand up guy. I know him both online and in person, and I also read his emails. They get me every time! (lol) That's why I registered on the spot when I saw he was training on this topic. ;-) *cheers*