New to Online Business? Checklist to Get Started...

Published: Wed, 09/05/12

If you're newer to online business than most, you probably have a lot of questions you're afraid to ask - or not sure *who* or *where* to ask.

I have just the thing for you!

On this page you'll find a step-by-step checklist to work through:

It's practically an entire Internet Marketing course in itself - for free!

If you follow each step, and implement what you learn there as you go, you'll be able to start your own online business... this week.

If you have ANY questions as you work through the steps, just come by my forum at and let us help you every step of the way. It's a great community, newbie questions are *welcomed*, and I check in there daily myself.

To your success! *cheers*

Lynn Terry

p.s. If you know someone else who is just getting started online, be sure to share this link with them:

They'll thank you for it. ;-)