Awakening Intriguing Ghosts

Published: Fri, 06/13/14

Luscious Soulful Beauty-
June 13, 2014




How will it move you?

Hello Rare Wonder,

I spent last weekend cutting and pasting images and words from magazines. I wanted some fun distraction from all the things I "should" have been doing, but really, really, didn't want to do.

Plus, it was hot. I hate hot weather.

And I burned my finger making toast.

Badly. I have a nasty blister.

From making Toast!

Obviously some serious redirection of energy was needed. I have learned the hard way that for me, unfortunate run-ins with too much heat is a signal to sloooooow dooooown.

So I made some iced tea, pulled out some old magazines, grabbed the scissors and glue stick, nicked some paper from the printer and sat myself down at the kitchen table. Wanting distraction, hoping for inspiration, desiring simple and easy creativity.

I lost myself in images and words for two days.

The rhythm of tearing and cutting, making a mess and not caring, arranging and rearranging text and imagery, letting messages spirited by the unseens float into form.

It was a two day oracle encounter with intriguing ghosts who spoke
though clipped photographs and words.

Whispers from a past and future self moving me to embrace radiance, adventure, a new kind of luxury. And something that doesn't yet have expression, just impression.

What does it all mean? Who knows. Time will reveal the specifics. What is important is that energy has been stirred. Inspiration is flowing. Deep remembering is happening.

Awakening is stirring.

So I will keep following the energy. Keep letting the ghosts of creative longing swirl about until they find their solid form.

I am being moved to listen more deeply,
move more slowly,
play with out wanting an outcome.

I am being moved to trust the intriguing whispers of emerging dreams.

And for you?
How do you listen to the deeper stirrings of energy?
How do you know when to shift focus, change your pace, redirect your energy?
How do the intriguing ghosts of your life get your attention?

We are moving into another weekend.

Take a chance.
Commune with one of your intriguing ghosts.
See where it takes you.



If you want to coax your awakening ghosts into form, you will want to consider some one on one time with me in The Guidance Sessions

Check out the latest on the blog: life sometimes calls for silence, and the subtle senses.


Sandi Davis
Luscious Life

(c)2014 Sandi Davis All rights reserved.