DO something.

Published: Sun, 07/10/16

Stop and smell the magic.
Do Something.

The other day, I came online to find a string of posts in my newsfeed: links to news articles and blog posts, rants, hashtags, a lot of exclamation marks and capital letters. I don’t watch the news, so I had no idea what had happened, but from what I gathered, it was horrific. And from what I gathered, people were heartbroken. Shaken. Angry. Terrified.

Déjà vu. This scenario has repeated about half a dozen times in the last 7 months.

There was something different this time around though.  I kept noticing phrases like:

Something needs to be done!
Things need to change!
This can not happen anymore!

These phrases were not different. These phrases have occurred as often as the tragedies have. But this time it was different. I couldn’t read anymore. I shut my laptop and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and I silently said, “We need peace. We need love. We need our people to come together, because right now, everyone is so angry and so fearful and so divided that it’s breaking us. What can I do?

I don't have the answers. I don't have the fixes. I'm just me - one tiny fish in a gigantic ocean... Right?

I stayed quiet for a few minutes, breathing through my anxious energy and allowing it to be replaced by energies of peace and healing. That’s when I saw it.

In my mind, I saw a crowd of people gathered along a walking path at a popular lake park in my city. People holding signs, people with huge smiles on their faces, people hugging each other. I knew instantly what this was. This was my answer.  

But let's rewind for a moment.
On May 31st, 2016, I wrote a post on Facebook. It started with, “So I have this wish. This idea, this dream. And I’m scared to share it.” I went on to share that my birthday was coming up in 2 weeks and there was something special I wanted to do, but I was worried about peoples’ reactions to it. I didn’t share what exactly it was, but people responded with so much encouragement! (And of course a lot of curiosity.) Well, other things came up and I couldn’t make it happen. But it’s been sitting in my mind, patiently waiting. 
Fast forward to the other day.
As I sat in silence and asked the question, “What can I do?” and saw the crowd of people. They were doing what I had wanted to do on my birthday. That idea had been sitting and waiting for the right time. And I realized the time is now. 
On Saturday, July 16, 2016, I'm inviting friends, family, colleagues and even perfect strangers to join me in offering "Free Hugs".

We’ll gather at Gray’s Lake Park in Des Moines, Iowa from 2-4 PM with our posterboard signs saying “FREE HUGS!”, hearts full of love, and arms ready to wrap someone up!

I know it’s not much. I know it’s not a permanent fix. I know this single act is one small fish in a gigantic ocean. But it’s something. 

It's something.

I can’t sit idle in the pool of voices crying out for a fix anymore. I choose to stand up and ACT.

Even if my idea feels a little silly.
Even if my idea feels too small.
Even if my idea makes me uncomfortable.

Peace is at stake here. Love is at stake.

I won’t sit idle. I will keep thinking about what I can do. And I will get the hell up and do it. 

I humbly, but quite seriously, ask you to join me.
Even if you can’t be at this event with me.

Even if this event is "not your thing".

I invite you to ask yourself: 
“What can I do that will offer peace, love, connection, and unity?”
And I invite you to get up out of your chair and do it.

With a heart full of hope,

♥ Amber


P.S. Want to join me on Saturday? Here’s the information:
Please share!

P.P.S. I honor your hurting heart. I honor your fear, and your anger, and your sadness. I honor your experience. I honor all of you. I just want you to know. And I'm sending a hug through the ether with my deepest love for you.

Learn more about "Free Hugs" here, and watch an inspiring video here!