[FS] See all your newly updated 365 Forward Steps Notes (still free for you)

Published: Wed, 10/11/17

As mentioned in yesterday's email, I am
updating and upgrading all 365 Forward
Steps Notes, as well as their emails.

If you would like to be taken back to
Forward Steps Note number one, so that
you can see the new ones rather than
the older version, which you might be
receiving at the moment, then please...

Reply to this message with a quick note
to say so and I'll restart you.

I'm up to note 167 right now, so those
numbered between 168 and 365 are still
the older versions.

I'm also updating the emails that match
those Forward Steps Notes, so your emails
might also be  a bit "messy" and perhaps have
errors in the content, if they're numbered
between 168 and 365.

Please excuse those and simply reply
to receive the new ones. Still free for you.

I can then take you back to the Notes I've
now cleaned up, numbers 1 through to 167.

If you have only recently subscribed to
Forward Steps emails, you ought to be fine.
That is, for example, if you added yourself
after July 2017. If you're unsure, just
reply also and ask to be taken back to the
first Forward Steps Note.

Click here to view (and share) this email online

See you again soon, at your next Forward Steps Note.

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