[FS] Enjoy massive shifts in how you feel, your vitality and even your sleep

Published: Tue, 04/18/17

Hi wayfarer,

With all the promises out there of the latest
and greatest tips and hacks to increase your
vitality and health, it turns out there’s one
big thing to pay attention to that makes more
of an impact than anything else...

Your food!

Find out more about the Food Revolution Summit

You'll get the latest scientifically grounded

If you care about your health and the health
of our planet, and if you want to know how
certain foods can help you fight disease and
increase vitality, I invite you to join me for
this game-changing online event.

April 29 to May 7, bestselling author John Robbins
is personally interviewing 25 of the world’s top experts,
scientists and celebrities in movements for healthy,
sustainable, humane and delicious food.

You’ll also get the latest breakthrough health
tips to feel your best, sleep deeply, increase
mental focus and lose weight. All while you
discover how to support the health and longevity
of your family and loved ones with the one thing
we all love: food!

Get all the details here

The food you eat daily is either hurting or healing
your body. Get the latest news and insights from the
top 25 doctors and food researchers on how to get
"dialed in" on healing your body with food, so you
can enjoy massive shifts in how you feel, your energy
level and even your sleep.

Click here to view and share this email online

I'll see you again at your next Forward Steps Note.

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