[FS] 👣 Understand books 3x faster (FREE)

Published: Tue, 04/17/18

To help you with the free ebooks I have sent you and with
the other content I send to you, I think you'll find this useful.

If not useful, then certainly interesting!

You can learn to "mentally photograph" pages, whether
printed or online, at speeds exceeding 25,000 words
a minute.

Yes, this sounds unbelievable, yet you can prove it, free!

Learn more and get your free pass here

Combine this 25,000 wpm technique with other techniques
you'll learn, and you will be understanding books 3 times
faster than you can now… within three days.

Yes, the human mind has astonishing capacity

So far almost one million people have the PhotoReading
book. Hundreds of thousands have the self-study course.
Tens of thousands have attended the seminar.

Now, you can use the self-study course for free, day and
night for three days in April, in an online event.

Click here to view (and share) this email online

See you again soon, at your next Forward Steps Note.

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