You Coming Over Or Not?

Published: Wed, 09/27/17

I've been seriously running around and head out on a
trip Sunday so I have not put a lot of attention into chasing 
people on this but I wanted to have a group over to the house
on Saturday  October 14th to do some in depth marketing
and mindset work.

A WISDOM SCHOOL if you will..(Tips hat to mentor Joe)

I had some of my clients say they were in and then a bunch of 

people ask about about it...consider it and in the end 
not commit to it.

So I am making the final decision TODAY about whether I am 

doing this or not.

So me list ALL the details and you can let me know if you 

want to come over.

Sunday October 14th.

10am  to 5 pm

Wolcott CT  right in my townhouse.

I can accommodate ten people max.

$500 includes coffee, water and sandwiches or pizza for lunch.

Bring anything else you want.

( you know who you are)

Airport is Hartford/Springfield  (BDL)

I am 45 mins from the airport

NY and Boston Airports are drivable but further.

I would rent a car for the day if you wanted to fly in.

I would not try to UBER.

And basically...I would not consider coming if you need a

full description of what we're going to do as quite frankly...

I don't know yet.

It depends on the group and what I FEEL you need to learn.

Could be writing copy,,could be shooting videos and talking, could

be prosperity through process.

Could be a lot of things.

I NEVER know what I am supposed to share until I download it.

This will be completely off the cuff and catered to the group.

YES..You can come with a few friends so you can steer the day

if you like.

Wanna insist on writing an email series...


Wanna lean about psychological triggers...Let's go.

Wanna build simple funnels....sure.

Wanna learn how to get away with murder working 

a few hours a day and making a killing...

I can share that <wink>

All I know is I am free that day and would like to serve some people.

Are you one of them?

You tell me.

Pay pal me $500 to [email protected] or send it via messenger

and I will hold the day.

Email me back and tell me you are IN.


Send me $250 and give me your word you will pay the balance

next week while I am away.  That would be fine..

Email me and tell you met sent that and I will TRUST YOU.

I really would like to do this day...

I feel I have something I'm supposed to say.

I just need one brave soul to say HELP ME Diane...and I 

put the day  on.

Of course I'd like more than one.

But if one calls me to service I must serve.

If not one does then IT'S CANCELLLED.

No one see's the value.

And that's OK.

I will just go back to making money on my own.

And hey...

I have plans for the next day in New York City so this is a

one day gig and it DOES need to end at 5.

If you are straggling I will escort you out,

You know how it is...

You don't gotta  go home...but you can't stay here!


Best for locals but brave road warriors welcome.

Last day in the Hochman work lab got RAVE REVIEWS.


I can't really help you if I can't lay hands on you.

I need to look in your eyes to know what you need.

It most often isn't any of the mumbo jumbo you spend 

your money on.

It's often something much deeper than that.

But if you like lead getting goodness.

I can show you that too.

Your call.

I'm open.

I'm easy...

(Slow down mister...Not that kind of easy!)

I seek to SERVE.

And serve I will...

Or not.

All depends on who wants to come.

Can't make it...

No problem...but I don't need to hear why.

You just cant.

All good.

Maybe next time...

If there is a next time..of course.

If this one goes well...

Might be,

If not...

Then not.

I make no commitments.

I'm just trying to share what I know about money getting.

Its not what you think

Not at all.


I am off to get a new computer.

This one is CAPUT.

And NO...I am NOT getting a MAC.

Don't send me your dogma.

It's another PC for me.


I'm old and I'm a techno idiot and I'm proud of it!

I make money on my HP just fine!

Me Likey!


Diane "Come On A My House" Hochman

P.S. Yes...I could have rented a mansion and made a big fuss

and charged you 5 to 10 grand.

Told you how fancy it will all be...yada yada yada...

But that's now where I work or how I roll.

I work HERE.

Come work with me.

P.S.S.  If you have missed all the 18th Anniversary goodies I have

been giving out you can read my last few letter and grab them all 

6  golden audios so far...More to come.

Letter 1

Letter 2

Letter 3


Diane Hochman

Call me if you need me :)
860 218-9912

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The Attraction Marketing System I Recommend

I am BENT on helping people like YOU make money.

*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will

Parts of this email are an advertisement...

But most of it is just a nice chick trying to help you
It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money and that
I tell you that you may or may not.

Funny thing is I told the TRUTH before it was the law!

Kooky me :)

Also...Any results mentioned in this letter
are NOT typical.

I have been doing this for 18 years and
have acquired many skills.

The likelihood of your achieving
these types of results is small
but possible so I share the info
just in case YOU'RE THE ONE...