He Didn't Know What He Was In For...

Published: Sat, 02/28/15

A little bit ago a young man name Jason Lee
contacted me and asked if I would appear on
his podcast.

Now I get requests like this pretty much
every single day so the first thing I did
was go check him out and see if his
show was quality.

I listened to an episode and thought...

Ya...this guy is sharp....so why not?

And I responded YES and we set  a date.

What I didn't realize was that Jason wasn't
very familiar with me and my crazy style.

So the kid didn't know what he was in for!

And very quickly he came to know what
a CLASSIC DIANE RANT sounds like.

It was fun to say the least!

And I thought you might enjoy listening to
the recording.

You can check it out HERE

I think you'll like it.

So check that out and I'll be back with
more good stuff tomorrow and I have another
CLASSIC training from my vault coming your way.

If you missed this weeks one there is still time
to grab it HERE

It's about the FOUR kinds of income
you need to build a STABLE business.

Most people know about 2 at best.



The Connecticut Popsicle