Straight Up WORD...

Published: Wed, 02/03/16

Did you see my rap video the other day?

You can watch it HERE

Is this not the most ridiculous thing???

I was at a wine festival fancy dinner and 

my old favorite came on so I had to show 
off my rapping prowess!

(You can take the girl out of Brooklyn but

you can't take the Brooklyn out of the girl!)

So today I have some straight up WORD for you.

And not a lot of time to convince


Tonight is the last night that my new course 

Twist Your List will be available.

And as Mr. T would say...

I Pity The Fool who doesn't get on board!

<I am channeling my inner GOLD CHAINS today>

This is BY FAR my best work ever and I have been 

helping people build their businesses for 16 years now...

It's so good I had one guy do two things I said in the

pre course bonus alone and he got 287 leads in a day.

Now will most people do that?


But those that truly LISTEN to me and remain

teachable will gain so much over the next 6 weeks 
they will never be the same.

So go get it NOW

Or not.

But don't come crying to me when you

hear the results people are getting .

That's what went on last month.

I did a smaller little class ...

People got insane results and then everyone

wanted to get in the class in the middle.

Well this homey don't play dat...

Once the doors close..they close.

And as sure as I am that the sun will rise tomorrow

I KNOW that rockstars will be born out of this group.

In fact...I am willing to lay money that Twist Your List
will become LEGENDARY.

The question is....

Do you want to be a part of the legend.

Door closes at midnight tonight.



Your Rappers Delight!

P.S.  at 9 pm est industry legend and my bestest 

gal pal Lisa Grossmann and I will be mixing it up 
and then I will go over the course one more time and 
take questions.

Register HERE

First part content...

Second part me convincing and cajoling the crowd

to JUMP before the gates slam shut!

You know me....

Pushy sales girl...

Trying to get all your mo.ney!


Ok..not so much.  But I will be taking any last minute

questions about the course and who its for etc.

If you have questions ...come by.

If you want to learn from a woman who had made

millions globally (Lisa) come by.

If you want to make fun of me in the chat...Come by.

OR...if you have a question now...

Why not take advantage of your personal relationship 
with me, hit REPLY and just ask it.

I'll be around most of day....

You know....Doing my rap...

Dancing my dance...

And hell..

Maybe I'll even roller disco it up in the garage!

I still have my skates you know!


Diane Hochman

Call me if you need me :)
860 218-9912

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Parts of this email are an advertisement...

But most of it is just a nice chick trying to help you
It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money and that
I tell you that you may or may not.

Funny thing is I told the TRUTH before it was the law!

Kooky me :)