He Showed Us His Abs!

Published: Fri, 05/19/17

No ...I am not at the Chippendales Show or watching Magic Mike...

I am at Ray HIgdon's Prospecting And Recruiting event!

And the abs I am talking about belong to Simon Chan of 


He was telling his story and sharing how important

working out is to him and how he gets to do it because
of his home business...

And of course we got to see the glory of his mid regions!

So much fun!

I am training on Sunday on email recruiting but I alas

will NOT be showing off my abs!


But I might point out my fabulous pedicure!

So listen...

I have been thinking about this.

I have been quiet for a while.

Truth is I have had some personal stuff going on 
and it has kept me kinda low key  but it is now time to 


This is what happens when I go to events and 
I am going to  a ton of them over the next few weeks
so I have no doubt that I will be FIRED up!

It's time to find some new people to teach attraction marketing to
and it's also time to bring back some old friends who also 
have gotten quiet ...

I get it...

Life gets in the way at times.

But for me at least when life got in my way the checks kept coming!

If that is not something that you enjoy in your business it's time 
to make a change.

So I am ready to start working with a group via private facebook 
lives and videos on a daily basis taking them through a process that will 
cause them to expand their networks....

Generate leads and build a list.

I will be consulting, answering questions and guiding you 
for months because GUESS WHAT....

My FAMOUS Summer School is back!

I have been so busy I have not done one in a while but 


And I am ready to rock this baby now.

In addition to Summer School I am also working on opening
my Swipe Center where I will be providing EXTREMELY 
reasonable emails and promotional copy for your business.

It's going to be a HUGE summer and if you are someone who wants 
to run with me let me know.

I'll tell you how to get access.

17 without a month in the red.

My middle name is PROFIT!

If you are not where you want to be it may be time
to focus in with a mentor for a few months.

It's reasonable...it's accessible and fun stuff to do.

Not techy and not invasive.

I can show you how to work around any obstacles you have.

But only if you COMMITT.

Ok....I better get back to my seminar...

You never know when a man is gonna show his abs!



Big hugs from Sunny Florida


<no sunburn yet!>


Diane Hochman

Call me if you need me :)
860 218-9912

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All my pretty pics!

The Attraction Marketing System I Recommend

I am BENT on helping people like YOU make money.

*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will

Parts of this email are an advertisement...

But most of it is just a nice chick trying to help you

It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money and that
I tell you that you may or may not.

Funny thing is I told the TRUTH before it was the law!
Kooky me :)

Also...Any results mentioned in this letter
are NOT typical.

I have been doing this for 16 years and
have acquired many skills.

The likelihood of your achieving
these types of results is small
but possible so I share the info
just in case YOU'RE THE ONE...