The Fantasy Mechanism...

Published: Mon, 04/21/14

I learned this LONG ago...

You would be well served to make a note
of this as well...

Fantasy and imagination are the GIFTS of the HUMAN RACE

From the time we are toddlers we begin to create
pictures in our mind of the things we DESIRE and we 
create orchestrated mental scenarios of how we are to 
acquire that which we WANT.


If not...

Go borrow one.

Watch as they concoct and plot and plan
on just how they will get to that candy...

How they will get YOU to take them for ice cream...

How you will magically grab your car key and 
wisk them to the park so they can jungle gym it up...

You know what I mean...

You did it...

I did it...

Every kid under the sun did it....

And here is what most people don't

What you NEED to realize in order to
make it big in your business is that ADULTS
do the same exact things that kids do...

They just do it in a different way.

Let me explain dear one....

In fact...

Why not step away from the computer...

Grab a beverage and come back RELAXED so you
can enjoy this...

I have major stuff to share...

Advanced if you will...

So I want you to be PREPARED to receive it.





Let's begin...

When we market...

What you have to realize is that things are NOT linear.

Most often when people show you a sales thread or 
a funnel diagram they show you a sales process that 
appears to be

Step 1

Step 2


And so on...

And our LOGICAL marketing student mind
seeks this ORDER...

This is why people so often sell you



"Step by Step" instructions...

People THINK this is how it all works.

But in fact...

A sales process is not at all LINEAR.

In fact it is quite SWIRLY as the one thing that
new markers don't know...

That seasoned ones CHERISH

Is that people who enter into a marketing
process are nothing but LITTLE KIDS
and our job as marketers is NOT to sell the
people stuff...

But to cause them to revert back to a child like state
as once we create desire in a person and get the fantasy of 
having our product or service into their MIND...

There is virtually NOTHING that can
stop that sale from happening.

(What did she say?)

You read that right....

Its like starting a locomotive down the track...

Once it has momentum there is NO stopping it.


Ever decide you want something?

Every spend days and weeks and months plotting
on how to get it?

Ladies...ever go to the mall SWEARING you are not 
coming home with another pair of shoes  and yet
that rectangular box sits in your car on its triumphant
ride home???

Boys...ever promise your wife you were not getting 
new rims, a new fishing rod, new cleats (pick the toy of your choice)

So you had to sneak it home and hide it HOPING she
would not notice???


You are DEAD and you know it!

But it is OH so worth it!!!

The joy and the pleasure sit more in the plotting
that they do in the possession...

Cant you see???

The secret to getting people to buy more from you
is NOT what you think...

It is not about "more value"

It is not about a better price...

It is not about any of the things
conventional marketing wisdom would tell you...

It is about engaging their FANTASY...

Taking them back to being a kid...

Letting their mind run rampant with the 
delicious possibilities of what your product
or service can  do for them.

How it will make them FEEL...

Gosh knows I am here today because I spent all
my fantasy time on what it would be like to be FREE...

No debt...lots of money...all that jazz.

And then all I did was fantasize about what would get me there.

I did ten and fifteen thousand dollar seminars....

I did two and three thousand dollar home study courses.

I was open to ANYTHING that fed my DESIRE to be free.

And the ones who got my sales and the ones who got
my REPEAT sales where the ones who KNEW who I was
and where I was going.

The ones who sat inside my imagination WITH ME.

Are you sitting inside your prospects fantasies?

Or are you just trying to SELL them?

Are you believing in them more than they believe in themselves...

Or are you just trying to make a buck...

End game...

Here's the secret...

Are you willing to work hard to
like no one else?

Through your words and actions?

If so...then and only then will you get them to 
buy from you over and over again.

ANYONE can make a sale...

Good converting site...

Good solo...


You make money.

Only freaks and fringe dwellers who seek to understand
the inner tickings of their prospect's deepest desires get to 

Create cults and zealot followings who buy again and
again and again over and over...


Cause buying from YOU  feels so darn good.

That's why.

Ok my dear...

I think that is enough for today.

Deep stuff...I know.

This is the kind of stuff I teach my HOT 100 Group.

The people who are committed to becoming
master marketers so they can be FREE.

Free like me in fact.

Know what...

I am about to hit a MAJOR landmark next week with the
program I rotate my HOT 100 group around.

This is a GENERIC marketing system and education
platform that you can use to create cash flow and 
generate leads for whatever you like.

If you take a trial I will let you in the HOT 100 group during
that trial and I will also show you a private screen shot of that 
landmark event I am about to hit.

Let's just say that it is possible to make doctor, lawyer, indian chief
money with this system alone...add on the MLM or affiliate program 
of your choice on the back end...

You just need to see the screen shot...

But it's private...

Members only.

Now am I saying YOU will make this kind of money...

No...I am not.

I am just saying I did and that a bunch of us do
and that if you were to work hard and really dig in and 
run with us and learn the possibility is there for you too.

When I showed my team the number their eyes popped out of
their head.

Most of them were not understanding what is POSSIBLE.

Most of them were playing footsie on the internet...

Waiting for a miracle instead of learning stuff like 
I taught you in this letter....GRATIS...

ON ME...

Just a nibble of what I could be giving you if you let me.

Get a trial HERE

In fact...
In the group  I just demonstrated how I spent
$7 on an ad....generated 43 leads and took in $21 in income
so I actually made a PROFIT on my lead generation!

Did your guru tell you that you can do that?

Or did they just sell you another ad coop that
you have no control over cause that is what your
FANTASY wanted?

Lead generation is a JOKE  when you know how
people think...

In may never need to spend a dime on it
again once I get through with you...


Me thinks you make look at ALL marketing and
your own behavior quite differently after today...



So go get a trial.

I'll put you in HOT 100 and then
I will let you use this very letter to go get some 
people on YOUR team if you like.

But I only grant permission to use this letter
to people who are in my group.

Use it in another way and I will send the dogs out 
after you...or more likely embarrass you in public.

Depends on my mood :)

You never know...

Cause I am FREE...

I can do pretty much whatever I like.

And that my friend...

Is what made ME go into FANTASY.

I don't know what it is for you.

But I promise you...

Ain't a person reading this right now that doesn't 
have something that they want.

Ain't no way you would be on this list if you didn't.


And oh yeah...


Looks like you joined my list on April 22, 2014

So based on that you may or may not have experienced
one of my EPIC letters before....

They pour out of me once in a blue moon...

Or once in a BLOOD MOON (if you watched the eclipse)

I go on and on and on...


My statistics prove that more people unsubscribe
when I do this and more people fall in love when I do this.

Most people beg their readers to STAY.

I beg them to GO.

If you don't dig this MAJORLY valuable stuff...

Please go.

If you think a hot system on how to generate 40000 leads
is your answer....

I am not for you.


If you grasp that learning the intricacies of your prospects
minds will open world of income to you...

PLEASE stay...

Maybe even write me a note and let me know you dig it.

Or of course...

Come study with me and earn at the same time.

You know I could have just opened a coaching program.

I could have put the whole thing together...

But why would I when I can work with you and help you 
earn money at the same time.

This is so much more efficient.

Get a trial HERE

Know what's most scary?

Most of the people who buy training and tools
never use them....

They never even crack em open?

Why Diane...

Oh why do they do that?

Cause they bought via the FANTASY mechanism
I described above and once the credit card ran the 
fantasy ended so they gave up and decided to stay 
in FANTASY as opposed to step into the beautiful
REALITY of consistent residual income.

Wanna know what is REALLY cool about this?

And what YOU should know...

Its that for every 100 customers or team members
a top marketer has....

Only five or less will take them up on their wisdom...

What does that mean to you?

Well it means you can get thousands and thousands of
dollars in coaching and consulting for FREE if you are
just one of the five who follows through.

Go ask any BIG GUY and he will tell you that
what I am saying is the truth.

And this is how I broke into the top marketers circles...

Crazy...but I actually used what they sold....

Participated...showed up and got to know them so that
they were obliged to give me MORE.



Until the next thing you know we were doing
multi six figure JVs ...BOOM.

The first step is buying something...

The next step is using the thing you bought
and getting a result...

The third step is showing up.

It is REALLY that easy.

Which again....most wont believe.

And that is why most wont get rich.

But he good news is that most will keep buying.

Which means you can keep selling ...

And in the end everyone is HAPPY.

Everyone gets what they want.

And all is well in the world.

Ok..its like noon...I am in my pjs and I have a class
coming up soon.

Let all this soak in and grab your trial and lets
get you into the deep end of the pool.

See you over there...

I'll be the one doing the backstroke!
