At The End Of The Day....

Published: Mon, 10/24/16

During the day we can keep ourselves busy....

During the day we can make believe.

During the day we can fool ourselves....

During the day its all a game.

But at the end of the day its only you and yourself.

At the end of the day we know the TRUTH.

At the end of the day we know what's right.

And at the end of the day what's real is real.

There is no pretending as we lay our heads on our pillow

And one day it will be for our last time.

So let me ask you....

How many days do you really have left?

How many times are you willing to fool yourself.

How many times are you willing to make believe

that you are any closer to the ESSENCE of who 
you really are and who you were born to be.

When will you lay on your pillow at the end of the day 

and DECIDE to GO GET what you have been pretending 
to pursue in your home business.

Now before you think I am talking down to you 

I want you to know that I am actually talking to 
the past myself...

The housewife who spun her wheels in all kind of things

before she DECIDED that at the end of the day only
SHE could make things change.

That SHE had the POWER and that she had to shed her PAIN 

and get real with herself in order to move forward.

I was watching my life pass me by...

And that decided to SEIZE IT.

Have you?

Because you can.

I'd love to help you.

But you have to want it.

Only then can I assist.

At the end of the day most people don't.

You can hear it in their words....

You can see it in their actions.

Tomorrow I will put a signal out.

Let me know if I am talking to you.

(If not...go about your business...all good)

Because at the end of the day I am looking 

for people that are looking for me.

