This Is Going Down...

Published: Sat, 03/28/15


Quick note from my favorite hangout....

Happy Land

We're down here doing as little early
birthday celebration.

Saw Michael Bolton last night.

2nd row seats.

He was amazingly and suprisingly good.

Not sure if you can see this but this is a
video my husband Larry shot.

If you give it a sec you can see just how
close we were.

This was shot with his phone...

(sorry if you can't see it...not sure if you need to
be friends in order to check out his video)

And tonight we are going for a beautiful dinner.


I have tickets to see Neil Diamond again but
I am giving them to  friend's grandparents as
a surprise....I SO love doing stuff like this!

In fact we have to meet them in a just a bit so I wanted
to fill you in on a couple of things before I go meet them.

1) I will be doing some amazing CONCERT AND CONSULTING
deals coming up shortly so if you love the idea of cool concerts
and incredible lifestyle plus marketing and mindset consulting...


2) This week being my birthday week I have a crazy bunch of
goodness coming your way starting tomorrow.

If there were ever a week to open my emails....


I already have people sneaking in on one of the
special offerings and I haven't even announced it yet!

I put out a leak and it went wild.

Over 25 people are IN for an offer that they have not
even heard yet!

Can you imagine...

They trust me so much and know how I do crazy
stuff for my birthday every year that they jumped
in without even knowing what they are getting!

Kinda nuts...right?

But super fun.

You are gonna LOVE what I am bringing to folks
this April.

And remember....

The birthday goodies come but once a year.

And once Friday comes they are GONE.

So pay attention pookie.

Cause this is GOING DOWN!


Off to make some grandparents VERY happy!

Talk tomorrow,
