I've Worked 15 Years For This Moment...

Published: Mon, 07/27/15

Just out of curiosity....

What did you think this email might be about?

Base on the subject line....what did you think
I was talking about?

About hitting an income level?

About having a big launch?

About a big speaking engagement?

Some big business deal?

I wouldn't blame you if you did as those are
all very important business benchmarks.

But this one is just so much bigger.

This is my life's work.

This is why I started my business in the first place.

My younger daughter is leaving me tomorrow.

She is moving across the world to Australia.

And NOW will be the true measure of how I
have done as a mother.

Now we will see if I have equipped this beautiful
young woman to fly on her own.

It seems like YESYERDAY that she was 3 years old 
and I was starting this business so I could be with her
as many hours a day as possible.

I blinked once and here we are today with me 
having the realization that I will have very few hours 
with her.

And in this moment I am OH so THANKFUL that
 made the decisions I made to put my children FIRST

And to FIND A WAY to make being with her possible.

For the years they go OH so quick.

And before you know it...they are GONE.

So today....if you can feel my heart...

I want you to think...

What do I need to do NOW?

What is important enough to make me figure out 
how to run my business profitably.

What is going to slip through my fingers if I don't?

Cause I will tell you one thing...

My heart is aching and I know tomorrow it will be bad as I watch her
go through security and off into the world.

I know I will cry and cry hard.

But I can not even IMAGINE what it would be 
like if I had lost being with her all those years in the 
name of what society dictates to be correct.

They all SCREAMED when I quit my high paying 
secure job.

Told me I was CRAZY.

But all those years ago I knew this day would come.

And I knew I did not want to hold regret in my heart.

I wanted to have NOTHING BUT JOY.

And that's what I have.

Pride and joy that my little girl is about to 

SOAR into the world.

I'd appreciate your warm thoughts for this mama
and her girl tomorrow.

And I'll check in with you later on in the week.
