[X&Y Emily] The "Big Four" Traits That Attract Great Men

Published: Thu, 03/08/12



WHAT'S INSIDE:  What are the "Big Four" traits that the good men
out there look for in a woman?



[NOTE:  Scot wrote the following to his guys a while back, and I
thought it was SO RIGHT ON that I wanted to share it with you also.]

A few days ago I was on a coaching call with a guy when an
interesting question came up.

Is there a women's equivalent of the "Big Four"?

In other words, just like the "Big Four" traits in a man represent
what high quality women desire most in a man, are there also four
distinct traits in women that really cause the HIGHEST QUALITY
examples of us guys to recognize greatness in them?

The answer was actually relatively easy to come up with.

Not only is that answer a resounding "yes", there's a surprising
twist:  It's actually the SAME LIST...only the female equivalent, of

That's right.  We as human beings, male or female, tend to want
something similar from our relationships with MOTOS (members of the
opposite sex).  

As such, the "Big Four" are NOT gender specific, save for the
obvious and highly necessary substitution necessary to ensure
proper sexual polarity.

Let me show you exactly what I mean:

1)  Confidence

You've heard that "confidence is sexy" a hundred times.  And every
time you've heard it, there's been no elaboration as to whether
that fact applies to men or to women in particular.

That's because it indeed applies to everyone.  

There's nothing worse than a woman who doesn't believe she's
competent (except, of course, a man who doesn't).  When she second
guesses herself or shies away from social situations it's a turn

When she's sheepish around you in public you wonder not only who she
really is under there, but also what she's going to be like in
private (i.e. behind closed doors).

You betcha.  We as guys love women who know they've "got it" and
carry themselves accordingly.

2)  Femininity

Feminine women want a masculine man.  And yes, you as a masculine
man want a feminine woman.

So it makes perfect sense that the "sexual polarity" factor is
equally important in the women's version of the "Big Four" as it is
in the men's version.

Of course you want her to visually appear as if she's 100% woman,
by your very definition of the word.  Beautiful, radiant, even

But you also want that joyful energy, that sweet heart and that
supportive spirit.  

Somehow, the qualities that make her potentially a great mother
turn you on, also.  When was the last time you heard an attractive
woman singing a lullaby?  Admit it...you stopped in your tracks as if
the Sirens themselves had begun to join together in chorus.

Hard-edged resolve doesn't cut it.  Neither does corporate
ambition...at least as far as SEXUAL ATTRACTION is concerned.

Likewise, the word "butch" is quite possibly the biggest attraction
killer known to man as far as you're concerned.

Manicures, sundresses and hair that smells great are what do it for
you.  And that's no coincidence...it's nature.

3)  Ability To Inspire Confidence

I hear someone already, "What is this, McKay, some sort of joke?  I
don't need some woman to make me feel safe and secure."

The heck you don't.

Don't get me wrong; this isn't about a woman acting as your
"protector", per se.  You indeed probably don't need that.

But I'm pretty sure that among your biggest, gnarliest nightmares
when it comes to relationships are that she's going to either
humiliate you in public, second guess your dreams and/or fail to
stand beside you when the chips are down.

We as guys don't want to even think of our woman ever letting us
down.  We want to believe in her like she hopefully believes in us.

Any other state of affairs leaves us flat-out unfulfilled.  

4)  Character

OK...you've got me here.  

Perhaps an even bigger, gnarlier nightmare is getting involved in a
long-term relationship with a woman only to wake up a few years (or
even months) later with someone COMPLETELY different next to you in

Maybe it was a ruse all along, or maybe she changed.


When she switches religions, attitudes or even (...ahem) sex partners
on you; you'll know more than ever how important bringing a woman
of strong, upstanding character into your life really is.  And that
goes double if she can't seem to tell you the truth about anything
or follow through with what she says she's going to do.

There you go.  It's a pretty convincing list, after all, isn't it

Truth be told, I definitely still advocate, as always, putting
together your own version of "The Spreadsheet" detailing the top
ten traits in a woman you can't live without.   That list needs to
include your own subjective criteria based solely on personal taste.

But ultimately, just about anything on that list really is going to
fall under one of the "Big Four".  Go ahead and put your own list
to the test, and let me know what you come up with.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


I'll tell you, Scot's on to something here.  

To put it as simply as I know how, if you are the woman who
represents to a high quality man what he truly wants in a woman,
you'll tend to attract the kind of man you've really been wanting
to meet all along.

If you want in on every single secret I have regarding how to do
exactly that, you can find them all in one place:


You really can meet the man of your dreams in the next 30 days...
just in time for spring.  I'll show you how.

Best of all, you can meet him either online OR offline.  It's your

But either way, I've got you covered...with everything you need to


AND...if you've been wanting to try Click With Him for a while now
but have been waiting for the perfect opportunity, NOW is the time.

When you get your copy between now and the end of the weekend
(that's about 72 hours) I'll give you Click With Him for a FULL 50%
OFF the regular price.

And yes, you'll get the FULL VERSION with ALL the bonuses still
included, along with the transcripts.

So why not get yourself into "relationship-shape" by the time
spring arrives?  Here's the link again:


Have Fun,

Emily McKay


X & Y Communications is dedicated to making you the most skilled
participant in the dating world you can be, at whatever stage of
life you are in.  It's all about straight talk about the most
creative subjects, somehow encompassing character-based principles
while being neither too shy nor too judgmental to hit the important
things head on.  The basic stuff you've heard a million times
isn't rehashed around here.  Enjoy!
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