How you lost $10,000 last week and didn't even know it. (and about to lose more!)

Published: Mon, 08/12/13

Look, if you're not a customer
and consumer of our Inner Circle Membership

...every single week.
And if you missed our call last week
you definitely stole $10,000 from yourself
last Monday at 9:00PM Eastern.

That call with Tracey and Sam Crowley
was LIQUID GOLD and worth at least 
$10,000, period and you need to listen to
it about 179 times... this week.

If you'd like to go back and grab that
$10,000 right now before it goes away
on tonight's live call, you have two options:

1. Get the REPLAY number from the picture
below and listen to that call right now before
9:00PM Eastern. before we replace it with the new call.

2. Do what you know is the right thing to do
and click on the link below and OWN every
single one of our Empower Hour calls.

Click here to own it.

Own it right now, because

you know it's the right decision.

Or don't...

You're the boss and it's your call.

It always has been and it always will be.

Tonight's live call that you can rip off forFree is
going to be OFF the chain. I promise.

Why do I love these calls so much?


I see so many people roaming around the
internet and on social media aimlessly pretending
they're marketing something when all they're doing
is hopping from deal to deal without knowing how
to make a break through and get results...

They're overcomplicating everything.

And here we sit with a stupid simple system
that flat out works like crazy and helps people
transform and all you have to do is...


Step 1: OWN IT.

Step 2: USE IT.


That's it.

See you on the call...

(yes, yes I teach you "how" to tell other people 
to get it)

Ed Przybylski from Ohio

Join me here

Or Here

P.S. Need to know what the product is and
all that stuff? Click around:

Hey look, just CLICK EVERYWHERE!

Then just get in... just join now, period.