keeping u in the loop...

Published: Tue, 12/13/11

Greetings from Eric.
It's been a little while since you've heard from me, but
trust me when I say it's for good reason! I'm setting up
for a huge team effort and a record breaking year in
Hopefully by now you have started your Christmas shopping
and maybe even completed it?...I'm a procrastinator and will
probably do all of it the weekend before online so I can ship
everyone their presents without having to wrap it (I know it
sounds cheesy but it works for me!) ;-).
So my partner Adam Holland and I have been secretly working
on some new strategies will be revealing in early FEB at a live
event here in Phoenix. (It's why you haven't really heard much
from me). There's A LOT of effort and management on both
our parts to implement these new strategies to be able to bring
new marketing techniques and create an ENDLESS supply of
red hot leads, not just for our own business but for our partners
as well.
We're both super excited about unveiling what sneaky tricks
we have up our sleeves and we know you will be too.
As we proceed through the holiday's, don't SLOW down on building
your business. Keep PUSHING, you'll be amazed at what will happen,
every year, I've had some of my biggest checks in the months of
November and December which always creates momentum that not
only carries you through the holidays, but well into 2012!
Work your rear-end off and will pay dividends for a long time, you'll
be glad you did!
Speak more soon,
Eric Wilkes
PS - for a peek inside what Adam and I are working on, visit and grab your
4 pillars to success video series by entering your name and